Yes, I did anti-depressants too. I was taking Paxil for anxiety and depression. It was a mixed blessing.
First, I am grateful, because I was having severe panic attacks at the thought of telling NH that I was leaving. And, they were so disabling, (really, what can you actually accomplish when you are feeling like you are dying ten or more times a day?)
I never would have been able to leave unless I had been on the medication. So, for that I really am grateful, because I have been gone for over a year now and am on the N recovery road.
Second, they do have a way of blunting your emotions. This also has its pluses and minuses. Plus, because if you are constantly in the throes of an emotional crisis, you can't get anything done (see above - panic attacks.) Also depression is disabling. When you are weak, confused and paralyzed, you can't get up the strength to leave either.
The minus is you are not feeling your feelings and working through them. Eventually this will catch up with you. You will HAVE to DO the emotional work sometime. This delay can throw you off balance if you aren't ready for it. Here I am all happy that I finally got OUT, life is looking good ..... and .... WHAM !! Forewarned is forearmed.
Third, I found that although doctors are very willing to prescribe these, they often really do not know much about them. I was not told about the withdrawal symptoms. Like Bunny, the withdrawal was severely unpleasant and went on for months. The withdrawal actually went on for longer than the time I was on the stuff !! And I did not quit cold turkey and I did it with supervision. The doctor really just didn't know enough.
I think that it is just that our bodies react uniquely. Some people have no withdrawal symptoms at all. I had terrible dizziness and electric shocks shooting through my brain. Even though the shocks don't really hurt, they are extremely disorienting. I used to wait until 5:30 to drive home so I wouldn't be in traffic AND I took the back roads ! Had I not investigated this on my own, I would have thought that I was having a stroke or had a brain tumor.
So, do I regret going on them? No. I realize that if I had not, I would still be with NH and would be a basket case. The meds allowed me to get past the symptoms so that I could act.
But, you need to do your homework. These meds are powerful and they are working on your BRAIN for crying out loud !! There are many forums and articles on the web. Educate yourself and anticipate that you might be one of the ones who gets all of the side effects.
Don't go off them until you are feeling secure and you have the time, energy and the wherewithal to deal with real life and the rebound of your emotions. But, DO go off them !!
When/if you read all the stuff on the web, you may be as horrified as I was to find how many people have been taking this stuff for many many years. It's scary !! And doctors may tell you that the reason you are having withdrawal just shows you how much you NEED this medication and will pop you right back on. And increase the dose to boot !! From what I have read, it does not appear that they know anything about the long term effects of being on this stuff. Remember, it's only been on the market for 20 years.
So, that's my story. I don't regret it at all. I just wish I had been more informed and then would have been more prepared.