Author Topic: I am Mary aka dove  (Read 3056 times)


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2007, 05:24:12 PM »

To answer your question about the girl, child services did a thorough investigation while she REMAINED IN MY CARE, and they found no substantial evidence that would validate Laura's claims of abuse.  She is a healthy young lady and beginning College in January.  Do to RMs (Lauras) accusations to authorities, it has completely destroyed our family because of my ties to RM, (which they knew prior that we were friends) all my family was torn apart and I am no longer accepted as a daughter, nor will my own Sister acknowledge that I even exist or "break bread with ever again!" rendered Voiceless maybe?? I'd have to say YES! 
I pray for all the people online that ever speak of abuse to RM cause I was not the first that RM decided to report to CPS over the years I have known her online.  So many broken people, court cases and damaged families.  Very sad indeed.
May God bless you and all who read these posts.


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2007, 05:56:43 PM »

To answer your question about the girl, child services did a thorough investigation while she REMAINED IN MY CARE, and they found no substantial evidence that would validate Laura's claims of abuse.

my claims of abuse?  hmmm.  I seem to recall several conversations of you crying out to me of how your sister was throwing your neice to the ground, locking her in her room, degrading her verbally.  My claims were your admission from the start.  Please keep that in mind.  I didn't come up with information of what was going on in that home on my own, when I live miles from you.

. Do to RMs (Lauras) accusations to authorities, it has completely destroyed our family

Granted, this "family" was the only one you have ever known...cruel, narcissistic (by your admission) "mother" and "sister"...and my accusations were based on what you told me.  As far as "destroying our family" there was no healthy family to begin with in the first place.  If it was, this would not be able to destroy it.

  What I did, was expose the situation so that the people who needed to be, would be found out and dealt with.  Your mother and sister were not engaging in a healthy relationship with you to begin with...putting you down, turning your children against you...even stealing custody of one of them...lovely family, Robin...come ON!  Your mother and sister both were extremely cruel and intimidating and, yes, I will say it, MENTALLY ILL.  Maybe now that they are not talking to you, you are finding some peace about who you are.  i pray so.  I've been with you through all those times too.

because of my ties to RM, (which they knew prior that we were friends) all my family was torn apart and I am no longer accepted as a daughter, nor will my own Sister acknowledge that I even exist or "break bread with ever again!" rendered Voiceless maybe?? I'd have to say YES! 

As for you not being accepted as a daughter?  That's nothing new, Robin.  Your mother disowned you for years, any time you dared to confront her about how she talked to you. Let's call a spade a spade here, since you want to share about how your association with someone who LOVED you enough to take action, has so destroyed your family.  Your sister treated you worse than dirt for years as well, playing her own chlidren against you, lying about you, accusing you.  I am not the enemy here, Robin. 

Sorry, but it's time to really be objective and honest about things.  I realize that now that you have cut me out of your life, you might need to find a good "reason" to justify it, other than "I had this friend that reported my sister for abusing my neice when I couldn't do it."  I did what YOU would have done if you knew someone in my family was abusing someone...or maybe you wouldn't?

I pray for all the people online that ever speak of abuse to RM cause I was not the first that RM decided to report to CPS over the years I have known her online.  So many broken people, court cases and damaged families.  Very sad indeed.

really?  broken people?  court cases?  where?  whom?  damaged families?  hmmm wow is all I have to say...just totally unreal, Robin.  Maybe you were never a real friend to me after all, since the abusers in your life are now more desirable to be there, than the very one who tried to help restore it and who stood by you for years through a lot of VERY difficult things.  Why would you even WANT to protect the very people who abused and allowed others to abuse you?



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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2007, 06:00:36 PM »

I accept your apologies, before God, and in my heart.   Just know that I'm here with a voice, can speak for myself, and if it be ever possible for you, please keep my family out of this. . . enough has already been done, J and I were handling everything quite well on our own.  I was "sharing with you" not asking for your help.  I love my family, God will restore it in His perfect timing, He does not need any help in that department!  There is no "covertly" letting you know anything, J and I took appropriate action, being a friend and listening does not mean YOU have to take actions in assuming that You are the person who has allllllll knowledge of the situation and run call Dr.l Phil, 20/20, and our local stations! Please Laura, all I ask over all these years of mess is, please stop! PLEASE JUST STOP! I'm sorry you feel aggravated at my normal way to end my messages, such as, "Bless you all", I'm not hitting and running, I mean just what I am saying and I am saying it from my heart please try to accept as truth.
Dear God in heaven. . . once again, I'm SittinDown!
Bless You all,


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2007, 09:59:31 AM »
Ummm.. guys..?

Listen..... SU may not have been in a space where she wanted to, or could, deal with the firestorm and subsequent scapegoating and upset calling in the local news and CPS brought.

Sounds like it was a very unhealthy apple cart to begin with.... then CPS and accusations of people who aren't supportive or kind to begin with.... it was bound to go dodgey from the start.

SU is upset that things changed drastically when she had much more subtle plans in place... maybe the plans wouldn't have done anything more than hold the status quo and make her feel apprehensive but hey... she has a right to feel the way she does.

RM.... my mother once told me that.... 'you can be too right' and that was in reference to a family situation regarding my 1st husbands mother and her dog.  She wasn't caring for the thing properly and I was inscensed and dealt with it.  MIL went beserko and screamed irrational things in front of her 10yo grandchild, not my child. 

Did the dog need to be dealt with?  Yes. 

Did I need to do it?  Quite possibly, yes.

Was I appreciated?

Hell no, lol.

No good deed goes unpunished, as the saying goes.

Being a little bulldog and 'getting things done' isn't a title that usually endears us to the world.

The world likes the status quo.

It's unfomfortable with change.

It doesn't typically respond well to having the tarp thrown back, infection displayed and seered by the light of day... esp in a public format.

I see both points and my heart would have gone out to that young niece... person... too.

I must say this.... RM,

here in my State... we can call CPS anonymously (yes, like sneaky little cowards) and not have to give our names when we report child abuse.

You guaranteed that you would be held accountable to the people who's tarp was disturbed.

I'm sorry it didn't go the way you wanted it to.....

Were you picturing hugs all around, healing for all... gratitude..... recovery programs and anger management classes?

That's just not the way the world works. 

::stepping back and applying this long post, of mine, to my own life::



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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2007, 12:05:11 PM »
Lighter, I don't always agree with what you type but I must say, it IS refreshing to meet up with another realist here.


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2007, 12:16:26 PM »
Hey..... there are all kinds of people here.... and I take something from each and every one.

Including you... dear, brave ReallyME.

I've truly grown from some of your threads and I've learned and grown from this exchange with SU.

I didn't want to learn at your expense though.... or your ability to feel safe and accepted here: (