Whatever happened to "Hate the sin, but love the sinner?"
Seems you all ganged up on the unfortunate person who sent that PM, instead of asking what had made them so terribly hurt as to strike out? I have seen enough religious talk
here, to expect better of this group.
You raise an interesting point Wondering - Why didn't we "wonder" what had made the PM author so terribly hurt as to send such an excoriating PM? You expected better of this group.
By definition what you expected was grace. I find that grace is almost a superhuman act. I long for grace but I no longer expect it. I have learned from my experience with the frequently quoted prayer attributed to St. Francis - the way to receive grace is to give grace. I recall an incident in my life a few years ago when everything and everyone seemed against me, including the priest at my church. I was (and am), quite frankly, appalled by his behavior. I had made an error and he was going to make me pay for it. I sat there thinking how I longed to receive grace and how a man in his position, in particular, should have the wherewithal to act accordingly. Then suddenly I knew - in order to receive grace I would have to first give it. I have not yet gotten where I would like to in regards to this individual - but I haven't given up either.
On a practical level - what you are suggesting is that people should simply stop and open their hearts to the person who penned these words -
[You are one of the most hurtful people on this board.
Take your tough selfish alcoholic stance and go somewhere
else. The most vulnerable people in the world come here...
not tough broads with brain damage like you.
These words constitute what is known as an ad hominem attack - an attack on a person. This author is not disagreeing about a statement or a choice of words, this person is not stating that they were hurt and would like an apology and this person is not entering into a dialogue. When such an attack is spewed forth there is no room for a reply and no room for consideration. Really, with such an attack the best reaction is to simply step out of the line of attack. I think on some extraordinary level it would be very magnanimous to "wonder" what had hurt the author enough to spew such an attack but nothing in this message allows room for that. - Gaining Strength