Authentic did not write the message.
Storm, that is rough. That goes way beyond this.
All of us need help here - even the person who sent me this letter. I am sorry she feels so strongly against me, but it does not upset me or scare me. I feel sorry that she is so unhappy.
If someone were to do this to you, new member or old member, I believe you need to deal with them calmly, by either reporting the person to Dr. G or allowing them to see their own words, as I did. Letting a person like this affect you is letting someone STILL control you. We need to keep this board for us, and for new people. We have our great new section with stories... we need a place here where people can ask questions and have mature answers.
Dealing with bullies, alas, is also one of life's lessons. It has been a hard one for me. But I feel like I am in a good place now.
There were two people who dod this to me before - and I was scared and upset. I have grown and learned. I did not do this for sensationalism. I did it to show the person I will not tolerate it and I hope it will help others as well.
I love this board and the people here.