Hey Thank you so much Gratitude,
I think I wore a lot of people out with my angst over my story a couple of weeks ago. Almost pulled it, but decided to keep it there.
I am sorry you can relate to the feeling of it being all your fault. For me, this was all twisted up with shame and compounded by having to always pretend everything was all right as a child. IMO, it is the mind games that are the worst – because they are so insidious.
When I posted my story it was so others out there would realize that they were not alone. Little did I know it would bring me to my knees – literally!! I had a complete meltdown – I had hidden all of that shame, blame, pain, rage so well, I wasn’t even aware of all of this under the surface. It was a real eye opener
Through a lot of help from wonderful people here, I was able to let that go, and let me tell you, it is as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I didn’t even know I was carrying.
Have you let go of the feeling that it is your fault? (No pressure to share, it just hurts me to think that any child that was abused carries that with them. No person deserves to live with that - as a child or an adult. But, I think as very young children it is only natural to carry the blame rather than think of our parents as the real monsters in the closet.)
Thanks again!