Hi Doodle,
Congratulations on finding your voice. Your ability to declare that you need a break from speaking is such a major accomplishment!
At times, I have quietly taken such breaks, but till now, I never felt strong enough to make that declaration... so I really admire you.
And yes, there is always push-back... above all, N refuses to allow you to be a separate, distinct individual or to differ in opinion from her in any way.
The idea that you could actually have a life of your own, separate and apart from N, is insufferable. That's when the labeling begins, along with all the "you" messages, referring to you as the problem, severe, irrational one.
It will never occur to N that she is the problem. Never.
In my view, you went above and beyond the call of duty in reinforcing your message with three phone contacts. My patience is not quite there yet, but working on it... because even if they don't get it, you've still done the right thing for yourself and honored your own integrity. Very admirable.
Maybe it's just my eyes, but in light of the other things you've shared... when I read that she will love you "no matter what", what I hear is: "You're not easy to love, but I'll do it... like nobody else ever will". Feels to me more like she's fishing for you to give her compliments in return and promise your eternal submission.
And then to cancel your luncheon date? Another example of all-or-nothing, to me. So manipulative and controlling... and possessive.
The more boundaries you can firm up within yourself, the better you'll feel in general, no matter how she carries on. In the meanwhile, please know that these remarks of N and her disrespecting of you and your boundaries reflect only on her, and have nothing to do with who you are.
With love,