Author Topic: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion  (Read 5886 times)


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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2007, 06:17:52 PM »
Hi tt

First, is there anything I can do to help your avatar show?

About crying and me, the last time I cried was 2 years after the estrangement from my daughter and the children. I think that that time period made it final and irreversible. I cried all day, driving, in and out of 5 stores and back home.

Had a DR. app't next day, he put me on Zoloft and I was as high as a kite.

I have not cried since.

Since seeing the therapist I have ½ choked up over 3 things, had a thumpity heart when I felt a connection with someone, and felt annpyance/anger to someone and spoke my mind. Whether crying will resume remains to be seen.

Would your cousin resent it if you asked her why?


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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2007, 07:29:47 PM »

Hi Iz,

I think maybe I am saying that, sometimes, too much time is spent on describing the N ( makes me feel that Ns are getting CREDIT for being so cruel) when we all know what they do. If we want to know "the worst things" we could start a thread on it, but mainly I feel this Board is to discuss ourselves, our faults, our improvements, our sliding back, our coming forth again, and what we are learning about ourselves -- what quality we were missing to have allowed this to happen.

I don't know exactly what it is that drives a voiceless one to tell and retell their story.  However, observation of myself and others on the board is that there is something therapeutic about the retelling of it.  That need lasted in me for about six years.  The best I could come up with was that my 'indoctrination' took place the first six years of my life.  So maybe  the harm  done takes a like amount of time to undo with a large chunk of it spent telling and retelling the story.  I personally think it's part of the grieving process.  The challenge is for us not to get 'stuck' in the telling.  I think that is the point you were making and a milestone you are celebrating.  I celebrate with you  8) 8) 8)

When the harm begins at the cradle, it can't be framed with, what quality we were missing.  Again, I think we're on the same page.  Just wanted to say that a child is incapable of measuring qualities they may or may not have.  Plus they are powerless.

I hope my comments fall to the 'good discussion' side of the coin.



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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2007, 08:07:10 PM »
Hi tt

Your post has merit because it is written positively.

First. the child in the cradle. I agree. The child is powerless and innocent. I posted somewhere that I read an article that the overly sensitive are likely born missing a 'gene' or something so they can differ greatly from siblings. I was the sensitive one out of the 5. So at this time, all these years later as I struggle for my voice, I am now aware that I was different for a reason and was affected negativley for a reason and that was likely it, so I can work on not being overly sensitive. If I knew back when I was, say in 20s or 30s or 40s , what I know now, I might have had a diffrent outlook for more years than I will now.

Also if parents are aware (as mine were NOT) then there certainly must be a way to help the child from a far younger age.

OK Do you tell and retell your story to the same person? When I left the N, 5 years ago after 4 years of hell, all I could do was talk about all the horrific things he did. It seemed I couldn't shut up and I don't think anyone even understood, because they didn't understand N-ism. I finally shut up and found a therapist. They are accustomed to this talk. it was through that, that I was able to never mention him outside anymore. She said it would take about 2 years before I would feel totally different than right then. It took 2½ .

The challenge is for us not to get 'stuck' in the telling.  I think that is the point you were making and a milestone you are celebrating.  I celebrate with you. 8) 8) 8)     

Yes I unstuck myself after 2 years and now it is older history than when I was born. Something made me realize that I was overdoing it--was I looking for sympathy? was I looking for a hit-man? was I filled with self-pity?

Anything I post here are my own experiences and opinions and nothing is carved in stone.

As well, I realized I didn't love him, because he didn't exist. He disappeared in a puff of smoke when the mask fell off. I didn't have much to grieve. I'm sure everyone is different, and we are entitled to take whatever amount of time it takes.

I see this Board as a place, after the fact, to regain ourselves and our voice, without constant repetitions of the harm caused. Now that we have the Story Board, it works out fine.

That you tt
Take Care
Am off to do my laundry!

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« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 08:09:24 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2007, 01:23:07 AM »

Hi Iz,

I PM'ed you asking for help with my avatar.  I got the notion that I wanted to put my photo up for a brief time.  I loved it a while back when some of the others here put theirs up.  I still remember them.  But yes, I do need help putting up an avatar.  Haven't chosen one yet.  I know squat about doing it and couldn't find the directions you gave a while back on another post.  PM me when you find a moment. 




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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2007, 07:47:57 AM »
Regarding talking about "N" over and over again to the same or many people...well, I often mention things about what happened with the dysfunctional people in my life, but I didn't actually "talk about" the entire specifics, until someone put up the "MY STORY" board.  I posted it there, thinking maybe someone could identify with the behaviors.  I then removed it, because I got very little response that it was doing any good at all, and it seemed to just be irritating certain people, which was not my heart in the matter at all.

The people of my past know what they did, know that it was wrong, but also have some deeply ingraiined perceptions or mindsets, that disable them from truly changing the behaviors.  Sadly, this prohibits any form of reconciliation, but instead, provokes projection and rejection.  After having studied Psychology, I understand this a lot better, which is why I will now disengage from conflict should someone with these same problems, decide to scapegoat me.  With dysfunctional people, it's a lose-lose situation every time.

The hard part comes when one is triggered and the old feelings and longings for people start to come back.  It's like a child who wants a certain toy he saw on tv.  His friends have it, people on the commercial have it, he thinks he's NOTHING without it, so he MUST have it too.

 When his parents tell him "no" a grand FIT ensues on the child's part, and he either tries to cooerce the parent to buy him the toy, figures out a way to get that toy, gives up on the toy and sets his eyes on a different object, or tells himself that the toy is not worth having.  "Black n White thinking is what I'm talking about in this last part (telll self toy is not worth having...painting it as UNDESIREABLE)

Rather than tell myself that some relationships are not something I wanted, because the people are just all bad, I usually try to remember their good points, but forgive the bad ones, knowing that each human has both good and bad in them, and realizing that each person really does have a right to live life how they choose to.  I no longer DEMAND to have the "toy" in my possession.

As far as talking to only 1 person about things, I've had counselors for that.  My counselors have basically told me that I need to stay away from controlling people, who live their lives through passive-aggressive tendencies, overtly or covertly controlling others, due to feeling out of control in their own lives, and that I need to also beware of the codependent and dependent habits in myself.

I could probably write a book on some of the times in my life that were deeply painful, but like some others on this board, unless a human mind is totally drugged, the pain that comes from rehashing the past, can often destroy a person; especially if the past relationship was one of promises never fulfilled with people who have no intention of ever working together to repair the damage and create new dreams.

It just makes more sense to "let sleeping dogs lie" as the saying goes, or let "the dead bury their own dead" as the Bible says.

~Just some thoughts



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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2007, 10:25:49 AM »
Good strong thinking, RM.
And you deserve some new toys.
Or to make your own never-before-invented toys.
Or to see that all of life is play and work, play and work.

And sing.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Poppy Seed

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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2007, 12:18:57 PM »
Beautiful comments, Shunned!!

Poppy Seed

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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #37 on: September 21, 2007, 12:24:44 PM »
Shunned, Your last words made me remember this old saying.... We each have two wolves inside of us.  One that helps us and one that destroys us. Which one will survive?  The one you FEED!  I do think that if we relive the trauma over and over we somehow increase its shelf life.  It has power to keep hurting us.  I think the past is only valuable for reference and orientation to the good and the healthy and the things that move us forward.   There is great power in what you said about THEN/NOW.  We must live in the now.  In the now is healing and life and potential.  There is no potential in the past.   Just a thot.....


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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #38 on: September 21, 2007, 03:02:46 PM »
Good thoughts for me too, thanks to all.

I think that telling your story eloquently and in detail, even if it's not in one session, is enormously healing.

But I also think that repeating core grievances over and over might, for some people, serve to narrow their view of life. I sometimes realize that I can bore myself with emotional exquisiteness.

It's like looking in a mirror. Do I see a whole person, full of spiritual and cellular vitality? Or do I only see a flapping wound with a name?

I don't even know that it's a choice. But when I can be present in the present, conscious, I want to expand my view. (The thing is how extraordinary and amazing the planet is, the details of life are, the meanings I can choose, the magic, the mysteries, the discoveries--yegods, thousands a day--the opportunities to reflect/connect, the SURPRISE of existence. I can get drunk on wonder at the drop of a hat. But I lose it when I am too wound-focused.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This could arouse anger or could be a good discussion
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2007, 03:46:30 PM »

You and CB are on a roll today, aren't ya, lol?