Author Topic: Anger AGAIN  (Read 4651 times)


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« on: September 29, 2007, 12:34:07 PM »
Been thinking about anger and I wonder is it closely connected with powerlessness.  In my case I am beginning to think so.  When I cannot do something about what hurts me I get so angry and act it out on myself rather than others.  I wonder how does one let go of anger.  What do you do with the energy of anger that explodes inside of you.  I understand that an amount of anger can be healthy it that it keeps us safe but this never ending anger which just stops me from living, what is the point of it.

I have not found a therapist here yet and really would like to do some more work on my anger.  It feels like a boiling volcano inside of me and I hate it.



Poppy Seed

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 12:57:09 PM »

I so hear you, my dear!  A therapist from my college years gave me a test to measure my anger.  He said my numbers were off the chart and that he couldn't believe that I was sitting there so calmly.  He said that I had as much anger as kids in juvy.  I know that volcano you describe and the intensity of the fire. 

I have thought and read a lot about anger.  I have a little book that has a few gold nuggets and I will post it to you later after I get home.  I think I have decided that I deal best with my anger when I deal with it.  What I mean by that is listening to it and then taking self caring action.  Reacting to it usually gets me in trouble.  So I try to stay away from that.

I think anger is a messenger for other emotions.  It throws up the red flag.  It is the alarm system of our psyche.  You know that already.  It tells us that some violation has taken place, be it big or small.  I find that when I listen to the message, the "hotness" of my anger lowers.  Yes, that hurts!  Oh yes, my boundary was violated.  Yes, that person did not do what I wanted or needed!  I hear and validate myself.  I don't spend much time thinking about whether I was right or wrong to feel the anger.  That usually traps me in shame  and the "shouldn't" list comes to play, and that doesn't do me any good at all. 

I think after I hear the message, then I need to take action to protect myself or correct my course somehow.  I set a boundary.  I end a relationship.  I try again.  I forgive.  Whatever I think will be the healthiest solve of the problem.  When I don't do this second step, my anger seems to take root or plant itself on a shelf somewhere in my mind and jump back to fuel the next fire that comes.  And then it controls me and my future actions.

Other times, my anger is bigger than me.  My tools don't work.  Then I give it to God and ask for a change of heart or insight to see truth, even if it means fighting my pride.  And I try to obey. 

I find that I do best managing it when I listen to it -- hear the correct message and then take responsibility for self care.  Then my anger becomes my ally and a very trustworthy tool.  Make sense????

I struggle with this all the time.  But I am finding progress.  The other week,  so much anger towards and about my father bubbled up.  It just kept coming until I sat still and in the quiet listened to the message.  I learned so much!!  Now I am not so angry. 



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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2007, 01:31:49 PM »

THank you so much for that wonderful and useful reply.  I will try and put your advice into action.  I think the message for me is that I am angry and I want to control something which is outside of my control.  My powerlessness triggers my anger. I must learn to forgive myself for my anger, it is part of me and I need to own it as I own my sense of fun.  I do not want to be controlled by this anger which has been happening over the past few days.  Taking responsiblity for my own self care is a piece of the puzzle I have been missing.  Thank you for alerting me to this.



Gaining Strength

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2007, 09:00:11 PM »
Axa and Poppyseed, it is so amazing for me to read you both describe such powerful anger.  Somehow I thought I had the corner on all of that.  Axa, I think you hit the nail on the head with your description of powerlessness as the root of, what was for me, rage.  Somehow in the past couple of years that rage fell away.  It is the only severe problem that I have had that seems to have miraculously vanished.  When I say vanished, it is not as though I never get angry but I no longer, ever experience uncontrollable rage.  The relief is indescribable.

I know where my anger and my rage came from.  Now I am working hard to replace all the negative emotions with positive thoughts and images and it is slowly, ever so slowly beginning a transformation.

Then I give it to God and ask for a change of heart or insight to see truth, even if it means fighting my pride.  And I try to obey.

I love this Poppyseed.  That makes so much sense to me.

Poppy Seed

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2007, 09:17:59 PM »

Was it God that made your rage fall away?  Or was it understanding how powerless you felt and then taking your power?  or both?



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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2007, 09:19:47 PM »
Hi axa

Anger! Ah! What keeps us seething and raises the blood pressure. A couple of months ago I was sure I was sitting on a bottomless pit of anger. I didn't know what to do with it.

Now in other posts you might have read that I "built a fence' and put EVERYONE on the other side, while I am on this side and alone. The person allowed over is welcomed and all is okay and as this went on, I never allowed a toxic person on my side of the fence.

I no longer feel a tad of anger! I cannot believe it!

Now with some people. The toxic person might be just one, a husband, for instance. Get him out of your life and here comes peace and serenity.

I had too many toxic people.

Good Luck

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2007, 10:27:05 PM »
Dear Axa

Its funny; i was thinking about `hate' this week and i came to the same conclusion; that is connected to powerlessness, with me anyway. I think the same would be true of my anger.

X Bella


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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2007, 05:21:10 AM »

This is such an insight for me.  Translate I cannot control the outcome,wow, never saw it like this before.  I think being a fixer not being able to fix really hits me with major frustration and anger.  I read somewhere recently about looking at things in a way that does not see things as right or wrong, just accepting this is how thing are.  A big challenge.  I think my "fixing" is also tied up with arrogance and that is another thing for me to look at.  What makes me thing I know the right answer, sounds a bit Nish to be honest.  I have made a lot of progress but have such a long way to go also.  Guess I should focus on my own failings and tr;y and learn from them.


Poppy Seed

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2007, 09:23:55 AM »
I was just reading you, Axa, and all I saw was courage!  Courage to face yourself --whatever that might be.  Courage to look that powerlessness straight in the eye!  I felt strength in your humility and just wanted to tell you that!  You have so much good in you!!!!!!

Certain Hope

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2007, 09:57:32 AM »

This is such an insight for me.  Translate I cannot control the outcome,wow, never saw it like this before.  I think being a fixer not being able to fix really hits me with major frustration and anger.  I read somewhere recently about looking at things in a way that does not see things as right or wrong, just accepting this is how thing are.  A big challenge.  I think my "fixing" is also tied up with arrogance and that is another thing for me to look at.  What makes me thing I know the right answer, sounds a bit Nish to be honest.  I have made a lot of progress but have such a long way to go also.  Guess I should focus on my own failings and tr;y and learn from them.


Dear Axa,

What you said here has been exactly the case for me. The only way I can dismiss my anger ( yes, it is frustration with being unable to "fix" everything... including being unable to fix my own anger!!)  has been to repent of it.
When any thing/person/feeling/thought (besides the Holy Spirit) is controlling me, then I'm in idolatry. That's how I'm choosing to look at it, because this perspective cuts to the chase for me and really curtails the duration of anger, fear, resentment, whatever it is.
So... repenting of these controlling emotions, for me, is to make a deliberate turn away from them and onto a positive path of love.
I need to acknowledge my own urge to control and release that to God, agreeing with Him to work out what He has worked into me, and keep my hands offa other people's stuff + SOOPH! 

Please note tho... whatever we focus on will become magnified... so be sure to count your blessings and the many awesome things about YOU and not just narrow your vision to your failings, okay? That can surely become a trap. I agree with Poppyseed... to me, you are just full of courage and goodness!

With love,

Poppy Seed

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2007, 10:14:59 AM »
Love the deliberate turning away and moving to the better things and the can do's.!  Thank you Carolyn!

I think this is the place where I don't feel so powerless.  Where the anger and rage doesn't have the power to blind me and envelop me.  It is hard to stop the controlling behavior.  It is so second nature to me.  But if I literally look away from it and refuse to give myself that as an option, it helps me.  I still stuggle with the stuff I can't change.  So, I give it to God.  My list to him gets longer everyday.  :D  Sometimes I imagine a big knowing smile on God's face as I lay my stack of paper on his desk as I walk away and say "I know, theres more!"

I am learning a lot about acceptance and letting go.  I don't get what I want all the time, but I do feel more peaceful.  Serenity prayer stuff, I guess.

Axa, We don't have to try so hard anymore,  you know?



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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2007, 02:58:38 PM »
Poppy & Carolyn

Thank you so much for your kind words.  Turning away from anger and towards love seems to be the answer but I know that I find that so difficult.  I am not a religious person so not having the faith you have Carolyn in some ways makes it more difficult.  I do say the A.A. prayer regularily though, you know the one about accepting what I cannot change.  My experience is by accepting what is part of me without judgement deplets its energy. 

I appreciate your input so very very much and value your wisdom,



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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2007, 03:27:21 AM »
Dear Axa,

One of the insights I had about my own anger lately came from Laura's `stages of mourning' thread, where anger was described as a stage of mourning, along with denial, bargaining, sadness, and finally acceptance.

I wonder, then, if perhaps to get to the `acceptance' stage of our powerlessness (in a situation), we have to let ourselves go through the stages of mourning? For example, perhaps it helps to `see' our denial and false hopes, and then experience our sadness as well as just the anger, before we can get to a place of accepting powerlessness?

Anyway, it was interesting to think of it in this way.

X Bella


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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2007, 05:32:06 AM »
Hi Axa ....  I don't feel comfortbale offering advice.  But, I wanted to say you are not alone.  Do you think that maybe anger is an energy?  And maybe if we don't know how to generate the positive energy to get what we want our bodies generate an energy to induce some sort of change?  And that energy is anger. 

Because if you are unhappy and your mind is looking to change the situation.  But your mind can't or doesn;t know how to give you the skills to make positive changes.  It offers up anger as a way of changing the situation. 

Like maybe we might use anger as an action/feeling better than no action/feeling at all.  I don't know if I a making sense. I know that my dad was very angry and my mom would ignore me.  And sometimes I would graviate toward my angry dad because bad attention felt better than no attention.  So maybe your mind is gravitating toward anger.  because some action (anger) is better than no action.

I had to add in some smilies.  Axa,  When you feel  :evil:  Just remember to  :D  -- I just wanted a chance to use the smilies. 

Poppy Seed

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Re: Anger AGAIN
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2007, 10:57:18 AM »
I am sorry Axa, I hope you will forgive me for this.....

....but sometimes I listen to comments from you and CB and Lighter.  You are say things SO WELL.  Sometimes I feel like it is all inside of me in big jumble and when I try to express it, I ruin it.  You too, CB and Lighter, have said exactly what I felt.  Thank you for saying it so eloquently.  I feel like saying, "YEAH!  That is what I meant to say."  Some day, some day, I will be able to express myself.........grumble grumble

Sorry for the whine with your cheese -- back to you Axa.