Dear Gaining Strength,
At my recent visit, a nurse told me that the top number of my blood pressure
reading - the systolic bp - is the one which reflects my anxiety.
That's when I realized... I'd gotten so used to feeling like my heart was racing, I didn't even know how bad off I was.
After 2 weeks on the blood pressure medication, I've been able to establish a much calmer, steadier baseline...
and it's interesting, because this serves to make those especially anxious moments really stand out.
Monitoring this closely, I've really been able to get a better handle on which scenarios
trigger an increase in anxiety. This is something I never could do before, because
feeling anxious was a pretty much constant state of being for me. I always just
considered my self a "nervous" person and tried to block it out. heh. Clearly that did not work too well

I think the key is .... As you've said, it tends to kick into high gear pre-thought... and I believe that's
because the anxiety became deeply engrained when we were as yet pre-verbal.
At this point, I don't have answers beyond prayer... but my own bp log, where I
record the times, measurements, and associated events, is allowing me to pray
very specifically about the matter. I'm asking for healing and a new outlook on
very specific issues, by name, and I see that my numbers just keep going lower...
or at least staying high for a much shorter length of time. You know, there are so
very many triggers... on my own, I just wouldn't know where to begin, so this is
the best I can do for now. By God's grace, I expect continued improvement.
The Dog Whisperer is one of my favorite programs. I've been able to learn and
use some of Cesar's techniques with my own pooches here... mostly by not
getting so exasperated with them, because as soon as they sense that, it's a free-
for-all. I don't see why we can't practice the same with ourselves... not getting so
exasperated! That oughta help all of our old stuff which resists being put into
words just to fall into line... and I do believe that it will! All in good time.
((((((((((GS)))))))))) It is a constant battle. Seems like the more of my own loose
ends I try to get wrapped up, the more new ones come to my notice. More dental
work, health stuff, kids' stuff, financial stuff... for now, I just have to keep my focus
quite narrow and whittle away at it a bit each day. The better I take care of my immediate needs,
the safer I feel in my own company, you know?
Love to you,