I have never felt that I was liviing someone else's life, but I have felt pretty weird on my own, as though I am not me, but who?
Today is a VERY good example as I felt spaced out of my mind.
I was yarding along thinking that I was wearing just sweat pants. with no underwearand. so no car better hit me, but that I did tho have panty of the hose part and 1 leg only on my good leg and wearing one shoe. (Last time out I forgot the shoe part.
My head was telling me crazy things like this eye pain was in place of the leg pain and ---what was my name?
I went to the bank for work and first off (I know the teller) told the teller I was crazy today, so I had her double-check rhe transfer slip I did, in case I was wrong.
Then to the grocery store and had to ask where to find the bread and meat (I had forgotten) There was my bank teller ahead of me in the 15 items or less and I grabbed her bananas, as I thought she had taken mine--but she didn't. We all laughed. Then it was me and I asked for cigs and all was bagged and I asked her to hang the bags on my chair back (I always do it,) then she came running with my cigs.
Then on to mail a letter. I found the Out-of-town slot without asking
Then to the bank and the ATM wouldn't work until I finally read--in front of me--- this machine is out of service---- so I moved over to the next one and all was okay.
Had two more stores to go to, before coming home to work.
Nearly left my goodies at one store and as I was footandahalfing it along a nice looking guy, 40s walked out of a store and hop, stepped and jumped around my feet. I cautioned him that "I could have KILLED him!". He had a waiting friend and the two of them roared, as I think I looked like I couldn't kill a fly.
I speeded up and into last store where purse contents spilled on floor, and my change and crap--(I never carry cigs in my purse, no room--- a guy helped) then I reached a corner and the ramped curb was lumpy and everything on my lap fell. Another old man helped. I think I am old.
An old man helped me and I made it up the stree to my place wondering "What the Hell? I got into the building but spilled everything again in the elevator.
I am not that stupid and clumsy. I think the poison in my eye has hit my brain.
I should be in bed!
Who wants my life? Free to anyone!!