Author Topic: Cry  (Read 1254 times)


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« on: October 07, 2007, 07:19:07 AM »
I came across some interesting info in a book I am reading.  Just thought I'd share:

Tears are cleansing.  Go ahead and cry.  When you shed tears, you are removing toxins and waste from your system, through getting rid of various harmful chemicals.  This is similar to using the restroom to cleanse the body of other types of waste, believe it or not.

There are differences in the types of tears we cry.  A cry when we are physically hurt, chemically, is not the same as what is in tears when we feel emotionally wounded.  When we have a good sob-session over emotional things, a chemical called manganese, which is caused by stress, is flushed out of our system.

Researchers have discovered that people who cry are usually healthier than the ones who do not.  Healthy people, both male and female, who are frequent criers, proved to be healthier.  People who cry often, have less uclers or colon problems.

It is even suspected that lack of tears can result in other issues, such as the common cold, asthma, allergies.  People going through grief situations, although recover quicker if they cry, and, conversely, widowers who do not cry, tend to die sooner after death of their mate, than do those men who cry. 

Society conditions males not to cry, accounting for possible earlier deaths after stressful situations in life.

So, go ahead and cry, and, if you cannot, please seek help to find out why and how to recover that ability.  It is so important to your health and well-being and recovery.



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Re: Cry
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 07:56:03 AM »
I always would think that God gave us tears for a reason. Great information,Laura. Thank you.                     Ami
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   Carl Jung