Author Topic: A few observations about N's  (Read 3351 times)


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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2007, 05:37:45 PM »
Hi Bill,

On the subject of `emotional outpourings':

You may be surprised by how many members here are A1 problem solvers. Whenever I've posted a `I need a solution to this problem' type of post, it brings out all the problem solving type of responses, and they are incredible and insightful. Its about how a question is phrased.

The `emotional outpourings' are usually just for unloading stuff, something we do to get to the heart of the problem. No point in providing a solution if you don't really know what the problem is.

I do not mean this in a defensive way, I am hoping to encourage you to post more, because it really feels good reading your words and hearing your persepctive on things.


sea storm

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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2007, 06:56:34 PM »
Yes, I like the male perspective. I guess it is male. Sort of to the point and clearand is this case very articulate and heartfelt.  I must say I know women who are like that too.  
Just a big huge welcome to the ever so rare male poster. Thoughts and feelings both ok.

Sea storm


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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2007, 08:09:37 PM »
Bella, you are so right.  Now that you mention it I remember several problem-solving exchanges.  Hmmmmm.  I wonder why I said that when it really isn't true?  Maybe it's that from a male POV I'm more comfortable with a different balance of reason and emotion and I skew my perceptions because of my preferences?  Well, who knows, but you're right.  Thank you for your support and you too sea storm!  I feel a little lonely being the only male that seems to post and I too want to hear from other males,  but I don't feel like I'm crashing an all-female party so thank you for making me feel welcome.  But where are all the voiceless males??  I've asked the same question about the walking group I have been talking about--85% female, 15% male. I must not be a typical straight male in some way that I'm not aware of.  Vollleyball OTOH is 90% male, 10% female which I definitely don't like.  Females show up for awhile, but you-know-who drives a lot of them away.  Sigh.

sea storm

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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2007, 11:27:36 PM »
#10 Trust your instincts. Dont let anyone tell you your intuition is crazy.
#11 Pay attention to behaviour and dont be swayed by silver tongued devils
#12  If someone seems too good to be true, they probably are.

Sea storm


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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2007, 08:11:33 PM »
Bean, I suppose 'dry up" means stop crying (shedding tears) about it?  The older I get the more I see what a macho culture we live in.  Many other cultures are much worse I think.   The human race has barely climbed down from the trees in so many ways. Males are never supposed to admit to any weakness or short-coming, let alone ever admit that they were wrong about something.  It's like setting yourself up for a hit.  I think it's absurd and limiting and stupid but every male including me has this template they are supposed to adhere to or get sh*t on, which also frequently comes from females BTW.  I admit I cringed a little when I included myself among the voiceless.


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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2007, 08:28:43 PM »
Sea storm, that's the checklist you need for SEE THE N COMING and make those alarm bells go off.   I used to be so trusting.  Believe it or not, I  was still trying to carry my 'innocence' into my fifties by ignoring people's faults as much as possible and seeing only their good side (also called burying your head in the sand).  I remember Ami saying once about the day the world was suddenly not the same anymore, her awakening, the day she lost her innocence about the true nature of the world. (At least that's how I interpreted what you said Ami, if you're listening).  That happened to me also, not so very long ago. 


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Re: A few observations about N's
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2007, 09:20:00 PM »
Bean, I suppose 'dry up" means stop crying (shedding tears) about it?  The older I get the more I see what a macho culture we live in.  Many other cultures are much worse I think.   The human race has barely climbed down from the trees in so many ways. Males are never supposed to admit to any weakness or short-coming, let alone ever admit that they were wrong about something.  It's like setting yourself up for a hit.  I think it's absurd and limiting and stupid but every male including me has this template they are supposed to adhere to or get sh*t on, which also frequently comes from females BTW.  I admit I cringed a little when I included myself among the voiceless.

Its so admirable that you've transcended `something' (perhaps the lies surrounding masculinity?) and allowed yourself be here. I think you're right; it is unusual for man, and I hope that you'll feel both comfortable and valuable here. I enjoy your voice, not only  because its male, but because its yours. It strikes me as aware, sensitive, and thoughtful in a `logical' way, which is a very nice combination of personality traits (and rare it their own right).

One thing I think men are a bit more attuned to, which is valuable in a community such as this, is the concept of enpowerment. If women, as a whole, have any one fault I can point to, its that we do not actively seek to empower ourselves as naturally and deliberately as men do. Ok, we put some makeup on and try to look pretty, but beyond that, i feel that women don't really consciously think about power enough. We talk about and understand emotions beautifully, and the support women give is so nurturing and warm. But i feel the `trick' to a lot of our problems is finding ways to be powerful, beyond possessing self esteem, so we are less vulnerable to being targets of abuse in the fist place.

In this respect, I feel that these `self-help' kind of groups could really use a few more male members. The balance could only do everyone good. In any case, I'm glad you're here:)
