Dear Poppyseed,
I can't even put into words how wonderful it was reading the way you articulated this aspect of your healing process, and thank you for elaborating !. I have no idea of what `time frame' type of expectations to have sometimes, so it was interesting to hear that 2-5 years can be normal for PTSD.
I think the main problem with me, Pops, is I have always relied too much on defense after defense (followed by hiding, which was also kind of a defense), rather than taking any time out to properly heal my deeper wounds. I appreciate that you differentiated between `self care' and `hiding' too- that really does resonate with me.
I once used to `socially observe' this black guy who used to go to a little club that my friends and I frequented, back when i was 21. He used to approach girl after girl, all night, until he could find someone to dance with him (or maybe something else, lol). I'd watch this guy in total awe, getting rejected by maybe a dozen girls, or even more, every Saturday night.
I know- it was all a bit sleazy and not a great example of human character- but anyway, i want to be like that guy! Impervious to rejection, and focused on my goals no matter who rejects me or how many times, lol.
I am still not there, and its good to know that I'm not a weirdo for taking time out:) Thanks so much Pops
love Bella