Thank you changing and Leah
I am back from my first car ride with me at the wheel. I believe I have perfected the "remain seated and put the chair in the car" situation.
(Am noting the bugs running up and down my wall but never saw them outside)
I'm ½ wearing a pair of clam diggers that are perfect for wearing with a cast, as the cast has to go through the leg hole. Nothing spectacular about them: black and white check and a zipper I must lock. I was in and out of the car 3 times and the 3rd time was getting out at home, when I didn't know my zipper was down and as I slid onto the pillow from the car, my clamdiggers pulled down all the way under my a**!!! It's funny the things you can hide when in a 'chair, like right then a pantyhosed bottom but only one leg, ......
put my slacks on backwards once, 'just-wrapped-a-skirt-around-my-nightgown-threw-on-a-jacket-and-wheeled-to-the-drugstore' type of things.
And you know, if I am ever caught I can blame eccentricity!!!?????
Only one of my regular store clerks noticed my smaller eye.
and Leah, Right !! Do we have a choice? When something happens, it has happened. So NO! I don't know when I began the, 'well it happened and I'll just have to see it through' way of thinking, about everything. So with that thought, I don't dwell on the negatives too much now, if ever!
thanks again
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