Author Topic: Darling Izzy Where Are You?  (Read 2374 times)


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Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« on: October 20, 2007, 10:10:42 AM »
Hi Izzy-

Hope all is well, and your health and situation is better. I miss you! Please check in when you can!

Love and Hugs,



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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2007, 10:13:13 AM »
I was just thinking that ,also. Izzy,you missed a few places to put your"funnies". You are slipping,kid.
                                                                                                         Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2007, 10:53:08 AM »

((((( Izzy )))))

Hope you are well.



Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2007, 01:56:14 PM »
thank you Changing...........and Ami and Leah

for thinking about me.

I am here a lurking a bit at least. Sometiimes I am just amazed that I have nothing to say!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My infected eye is now coming around...yesterday is likely the day to mark in your calendars. The Floaters were driving me crazy. Black flecks, and as much as I knew they were in my eye and not bugs or fruit flies, I still felt surrounded by them flying and crawlng around me, over the lamp shade, across the desk and up and down the monitor.

I finally have a below the knee cast and today I feel totally safe in taking the car out. The Taxi Co. will have to make a living without me.

Work is all up to date, but the last 3 days was a mess of reconstructing one of the accounts for September.

Some days you'll beg for me wondering where I am, and some days you just might beg me to take a few days off  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love to all

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« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 02:36:34 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2007, 02:14:30 PM »
Hi Dear Izzy-

I for one never tire of your marvelous posts and insights, joke and witty pictures. And I want to know how you are. Good Lord, with all of the leg problems and eye infections, etc you have those nasty floaters too. You definitely deserve a respite and I hope you get one soon. Thank you for checking in, and please know that we care and delight in you.

Love and Best Wishes for Healing,



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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2007, 06:11:26 PM »

Hello Izzy,

So very pleased for you that your eye infection is on the turn around and is clearing up - can't imagine how I would cope with floaty things all over the place, like yourself, my computer is my work.  You're amazing to have persevered with it so well.  But then, do we ever really have a choice? 

You must feel totally liberated in having your below the knee cast and feeling totally safe in taking the car out.  Enjoy the independent liberated feeling with a smile Izzy  :)   Because you are worth it.

Get out and about girl  :)

Looking forward to hearing, or should I say reading, your tales of adventure!

Genuinely happy for you.



« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 06:16:56 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2007, 07:21:22 PM »
Thank you changing and Leah

I am back from my first car ride with me at the wheel. I believe I have perfected the "remain seated and put the chair in the car" situation.

(Am noting the bugs running up and down my wall but never saw them outside)

I'm ½ wearing a pair of clam diggers that are perfect for wearing with a cast, as the cast has to go through the leg hole. Nothing spectacular about them: black and white check and a zipper I must lock. I was in and out of the car 3 times and the 3rd time was getting out at home, when I didn't know my zipper was down and as I slid onto the pillow from the car, my clamdiggers pulled down all the way under my a**!!!  It's funny the things you can hide when in a 'chair, like right then a pantyhosed bottom but only one leg, ......
put my slacks on backwards once, 'just-wrapped-a-skirt-around-my-nightgown-threw-on-a-jacket-and-wheeled-to-the-drugstore' type of things.

And you know, if I am ever caught I can blame eccentricity!!!?????

Only one of my regular store clerks noticed my smaller eye.

and Leah, Right !! Do we have a choice? When something happens, it has happened. So NO! I don't know when I began the, 'well it happened and I'll just have to see it through' way of thinking, about everything.  So with that thought, I don't dwell on the negatives too much now, if ever!

thanks again


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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2007, 02:01:53 AM »

You are hilarious!And courageous!And smart!

I wish that I could lend a hand. Not that you are not almost terrifyingly competent- but it would be an honor to assist you. You are the best (and funniest)!

Love from your friend,


PS- I'm still trying to become Izzyfied, have made some progress!


« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 09:33:26 AM by changing »


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Re: Darling Izzy Where Are You?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2007, 06:28:54 AM »

((( Izzy ))) you're such a hoot   :lol:

Chuckled to myself all the way up the wooden hill.

You would get on great with my dear friend - whose capers has me doubled up in laughter.

Thinking or you in your jolly motor car - thats if you are out and about today (we have sunshine here today - hope you have some too).

All the very best to you.



Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO