I am really glad that this topic resonated with so many people.
I have had many breakthroughs even since last night.I have also had some "sad" things.
One of the 'sad' things is that my M won't even talk to me on the phone. I told the 'truth" when I got strong. She could not twist me at all. I just stick to the truth like a defense lawyer.
She gave up and wants nothing to do with me. Once she could not twist me to her reality ,she totally rejected me. I think that I always "knew" that this would happen( my whole life).
I think that ,down deep, I always knew that the "penalty for seeing and saying the 'truth" was total banishment. It is so sad. I think that I knew that I "had" to take her reality b/c what might she have done to me as a kid? Now, she is soooo angry that I "told the truth",but she really can't "hurt" me.
I am so,so,so sad. It is so painful to have a M who makes you chose between "mental illness( a skewed reality) or a relationship with a M.I guess that I have to grieve the "sadness" of it.I guess that I chose to be 'crazy" b/c I did not want to be "alone'. Being warped was the price for a relationship with her.I was trying to tell her to see Dr G b/c she lives in Boston. However, whenever she goes to a shrink( 30 yrs). My M TELLS the shrink what is wrong with her. The therapy is what my M wants it to me. So, My M wants to go to therapy to work out her relationship with me( my F told me). However,it will be more of the same.I am unforgiving. My M "used" to be "bad" ,but now she is good. and I am unforgiving.
I never felt so sad about the whole thing.It feels so final. It feels like I was on a journey and I got to the "end of the road. The map "ended".Now, I am sitting by the side of the road and the map ended. The map is my whole journey with my M. It is deeply, deeply sad.
Now, I need to get a whole new map for my life-- not based on her(her needs, her ideas, her crazy way of looking at me and herself)
The good thing is that I got a real sense of how much of our core of shame is just LIES. I look at life. So much of what we are taught about life( by society ,our families etc) is a lie.
I can 'see' my core of "shame". I see that I got mine mainly from my M. However,people who had good M's still have a core of shame( most people). My kids don't have the M issues. However, they had the F issues. They still struggle with feeling unworthy.
. I saw myself as the 'worst". I just had my core of shame made in my particular way.Other people can get their's from other things-- racism. poverty, bad F, bad siblings , etc etc I see it as simply lies that I believed ( and still do).
I don't see it as so "hopeless' b/c I can face the lies using the inner child exercises. I already have face many of them ..
I still have a depression,but it is not as heavy.
I know that I have made some steps toward wholeness. I am happy in a way and sad in a way--but not as hopeless, for sure. Thanks to everyone who wrote about this topic.It is so much easier to heal when you can do it with others Love Ami