How dare he 'set' an appointment so quickly, without discussing whether or not you can arrange to meet up then, whether you even want to go...! What was his doctor thinking of, to allow counselling to be arranged without consulting both of you! Aarrgghh!! Oh, it all makes me so angry!
To be honest, I wouldn't go. He is railroading you into going to a counsellor of HIS choosing. As you say, when you suggested a counsellor of YOUR choosing, he ignored it.
Could you ring the counsellor he wants you to meet, during the appointment time period, just to say that you aren't going to turn up, just so that you can put your point of view directly to him (without your H being able to hear what you're saying)?
Whatever you do, whether you turn up or not, he will always blame you for 'not trying to sort out the problems', IMO. If it isn't this showdown, it'll be another one, later.
Sorry this is such a mess, and so little time to get it sorted, too.