Hello - I am new to the board. Have been in counseling and my therapist has told me she believes my mother is a N.
Hope to get feedback on latest crisis. My NMom has a visceral loathing of my new H. He rubbed her the wrong way during our wedding, which she ruined btw by complaining about everything
I dread seeing her again, but my father begs me to go back there to "renew the love and closeness". I feel so guilty for abandoning him to her (she can say unspeakable things to all of us) but I am sure that it would be a horrible time for me and I know she just wants to assert her dominance and control and insult me and my H. Also feel guilty about abandoning her - knowing that N stems fundamentally from a feeling of abandonment.
Some years ago I confronted my mother with her behaviour, and said that I would not put up with it any longer. I said I was not willing to play happy families any more. Dad said why not, because we are a happy family. I said no we are not. Dad told me to apologise to my mother, and let her say what she likes, until it all eventually blows over, and then everything would be fine. He said we couldn't go on the way we were.
Well, I declined to apologise, because I would have been apologising for being shouted at and grabbed by the arm and pulled around, and for saying that she had done that, when she wanted to deny that it happened. Even when it happened in front of my dad and aunt she wanted to deny it, and make me deny it. I refused, and still refuse.
It will not make my dad any happier if I do what he wants. He is a very unhappy man, but he is comfortable in that unhappiness. It is so familiar to him now that he would be made miserable by any kind of change. He has spent almost 50 years with this woman, and stood by her, and echoed her N behaviour for so long it is too late for him to know what a healthy relationship is.
I am sorry when I go to visit, because I make them both unhappy. Mum talks incessantly when I am not in the room, but goes dead quiet when I am (because I challenge any lies I hear and she dare not speak with me there.) Or, from their point of view, I am snappy and snap at her whenever I get the chance. Actually, I do not snap, and am usually polite, but they add their own interpretation of the tone.
However, to get to the point of what I am trying to say, you can't rescue your parents. It may not even be possible to rescue yourself. The people you can rescue are the next generation, if and when they arrive, by being aware of N behaviours and how they work, and keeping your children away from the Ns if you can't set appropriate boundaries. But you can't rescue your dad. He was supposed to look after you, not the other way round, but this is one of the things we are taught; we are there to meet their needs, and to keep them emotionally supported.
The work of therapy is to find these lies and try to destroy them. You are the one who needs love and support in the early stages of your marriage. Your mum is having a tantrum and has thrown her toys out of the pram, and your dad wants you to help put them back in again.
What they are both asking for is for you to show that you love them more than you love your new husband. If they can win this battle, they may well have you for life. Stay strong, and let them go.