Thank you Ami.
I lived with the mother and husband with many of the identical behaviors.
The result for me was the pain, anger, denial.
Distance from both of them at the present is really clarifying things for me. I have mixed thoughts and emotions. Trying to really see my part.
I did make others my source of happiness or pain. I eventually without realizing it made my h the source of my pain or happiness.
I can see that I gave in, had weak boundaries and wanted him to be okay. I believed every lie and was so used every time, for years. All the while I functioned as I had been taught and I carried the pain and anger and waited. (Carried that dead carcus around everywhere I went).
I was exhausted, but I carried it well.)
I did not know how sick his behaviors were. I denied, excused, explained, cried, talked, stuffed, prayed, all the while focused on him and he was living his life doing what he knew to do and it had very little to do with me and our home and children.
I expected a lot from him and he did not have it to give.
I have been through his crashes a few times. What I found out about that is that when he crashes, it has nothing to do with me either. But he did change behaviors and become a wonderful husband and father. For a while then, the old ways came back, worse and it all started over again.
I have to see my life like you said, as more that the marriage. I have to conciously think about the life I did have and my 2 daughters' lives. There was a lot of good, I just went through it in the grief of this marriage.
I don't have regrets, but I do have a willingness to make something good out of it, however that may be. And sharing here I think is a good thing.
For myself I gain strength and perspective by reading others' sharing here and telling my story.
This morning my thoughts centered around the positive side of my life. I could think of all the character assets I have and have used through the years. I used to think negatively and see my assets diminished like I was told about myself.
I listed lots of positives about my character and really lots came to the surface.
I am looking to my character assets for today and using them to make a better day for me today and investing in me, today. Then I am responsible for my own feelings and the results of this day.
Thanks for listening and sharing.