Actually, I think I am very much like you when it comes to friendships. I tend to give and give but get nothing or at least not much in return. Actually, I believe I am a very good friend, maybe too good. I think deep down I have been afraid to set down strict boundaries with friends because if they do, I risk them walking away. The truth is they walk away anyway.
I, too, knew someone for many, many years who I regarded as a good friend. I was there always for her. I saw her through three marriages, three painful divorces, the birth of her daughter and multiple personal crises. I would log many, many hours on the phone listening to her and offering her advice. I dropped everything so I could drive over to her, 1.5 hours away, to do what she needed or wanted. She always said I was a good friend to her and knew she could always count on me. This is true. However, I very slowly came to realize she was not there for me. The past few years have been extremely difficult for me. I am unemployed and full of despair, depression and hopelessness right now. Yet, she had never once calls me to see how I'm doing. I used to repeatedly ask her to do things with me or come over for a visit, but she always came up with a last minute excuse. Early this year, she moved to a different apartment and she never even gave me the address or phone number. Once or twice she called me from her cell basically to bend my ear about a crisis she was going through. So I've had to come to realize that she is no friend at all and never was. She is a user. She is just a very selfish, self-centered and needy person. She has a daughter but her needs rarely come before this woman's needs. So, I stopped calling her. I stopping doing considerate things for her. I stopped extending invitations. The result? She never tried contacting me. So I guess my fear was right. Once you set your boundaries, they have no interest in you. But at some point, I guess I felt I had to have enough respect for myself not to continue to put myself in this situation with her.
So, yes, Iphi I can identify with your situation. The difference probably is that I don't have anyone else in my life. No life-long friends, spouse, boyfriend or children. So it is extremely lonely. But I do know what constitutes a good friend. While it was extremely hurtful and sad to learn this "friend" I spoke of wasn't there for me when I so desperately needed it, I could not avoid the truth. She did not know what it was like to be a good friend. Or, perhaps it was just that she wasn't interested in being a good friend to me. Either way, I know that I don't now or probably never did really matter to her, despite her words.
I don't have the answer to this. In my case, I really don't understand why no one wanted to be a good friend to me. I have always been there for others. I always cared and listened and gave. But it was just never really returned. I think I'm particularly sensitive to this rejection having been rejected by my Nmom and Nsister and co-dependent dad. But I also think having "lost" these significant family members, it was always more important for me to have friends. The fact that I never was able to have those good friends just serves to reinforce my sense of failure, unworthiness and unloveability. But again, I know that to hang on to those people who put up a facade of being a "good friend" isn't the right thing to do either. After awhile, you can no longer fool yourself into believing it's a reciprocal relationship.
I'd like to think that before I die, I will have found one person in this world who could reciprocate my friendship and feelings, but I really don't know. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if it wouldn't come to be.
But you are in a much better position. You have long-term friends. You have a husband. You have the opportunity to meet with couples your husband knows. I think having even just one really good friend is better than having a lot of acquaintances where there's not much substance.
So hold on to those quality friendships you have. They are important if they are truly reciprocal. Reach out to them. You seem like a very sincere, giving person and I'm sure the people in your life value you.