Dear Peace,
I was very impressed with your strength which was shown so clearly in this last post. WOW----you "convicted " me, as they say in religious circles.
I was not physically abused. I did not realize that I was emotionally abused until recently. It really is a drip,drip erosion of your esteem and precious trust in yourself. I really see myself as a "bombed out wasteland". However,I see that I can build from the ground floor up.
What hit me so strongly in your post was that I "married" the same emotional climate as with my M. I,also, had the same financial climate as my home. I was well provided for as a child. I did not think that you could be abused if you were well provided for. I thought that I was 'exaggerating".
In my marriage,I thought the same thing.
What is really hitting me is how my marriage was a continuation of the drip, drip erosion of self as in my childhood.
My H saw an NPD father and an abused M. They had material things.also.
My H wants to repeat HIS FOO with me-----ARRRGH.
So, my role is ----- the abused wife. He, subconsciously, wants me to play it. I, always did. However, now I am stepping back and seeing that I have a core that is important to honor.
IF I don't honor it,I will be emotionally, mentally or physically ill or all three( which I was). I saw today that it is a choice NOT to honor it, too.if I do nothing and stay abused,I am making a choice,by default--bleh.
So, I can chose which way to go.
Boy, did I ever repeat.
What scared me was a guy that I almost had an affair with. He turned out to be worse(much) than my H. I think that he was a sociopath. So, I moved down, rather than up---bleh.
I left the relationship when I found the board.I realized that he was "blaming " me for not "getting over my M". I realized that I would never get better with this. I did not realize that he was a sociopath until I read the book that Storm recommended about sociopaths in every day life.
My gut used to scream at me about this guy. However,I did listen when it came right down to it b/c he really scared me(down deep) and I never really commited to him in any real way b/c of my gut feelings.
My point is that you, Peace, made wonderful choices not to be abused ,again. I made the same choice as what I grew up with. However,I feel hopeful that I can change. The first step for me was realizing that I was not alone.You and Janet were the first people who showed me that I was not alone. I will be forever garteful to you, Peace. I feel hopeful. Love Ami