I have always felt so alone when dealing with a N. I have come to this conclusion, I would much rather be alone by myself, then to be sitting right next to my partner and feeling alone. It is very hard to love someone who cannot understand the depth of love. Love yourself and do not allow anyone to take that away from you. If you do not love yourself, how can you present to the world as a person worthy of others love.
Love to some people is just a mere word. Love is the most unselfish act one can offer another person. You deserve the same love that you offer others, dont ever lose sight of that. If you do, you will lose a big part of yourself worth.
When these clouds clear in your head, you will see things in a much clearer manner. The N cloud tends to blur your version of reality. The cloud does lift and you will begin to put your needs first.
Best wishes to you. I know it is a hard path to take but you will soon see the path you need to follow.