Author Topic: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative  (Read 2728 times)


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OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« on: November 08, 2007, 05:39:17 PM »
This is a bit of how I transferred from one point to another to reach this one and a certain amount of peace.  I don't see where responses are necessary but would be nice.

When I was released from rehab hospital, I was classified as a partial paraplegic. I could walk with crutches and used a wheelchair. I planned on picking up my life where I left off but it doesn’t work that way.

Accessibility was just beginning, for parking spots, ramps, washrooms, turnstiles removed, no revolving doors and I tried to fit into the able-bodied world. I didn’t do too badly, as I was 31 and adventurous.

I went to my doctor with ‘chair and crutches, I could stand up but needed a crutch to boost me up to the examining table, I didn’t expect it, but he sent me for x-ray. The Medical Centre was built in 2 sections, both accessible from the outside, but inside was a set of 5 steps to go to the other. I wheeled to the steps, stood up on my crutches and sent the wheelchair down by itself, bumpity bump bump bump bump, roll over, slam and fold up,t hen used the crutches to get down and pick up the ‘chair and carry on to x-ray. I was stared at.

I had a number of falls while on crutches, and the first one ended up with a broken foot.  It was never detected on an x-ray and that foot healed crooked. (That foot has now been casted with this leg break and appears to be straightened.) By now I have broken all toes except the little ones, broke this leg and ankle before (1984), fractured this ankle before, broke my left ankle, 2003 and this one are the 3 with casts. Other times I’ve had mild fractures and used elastic bandages.

I learned how to do everything I needed, and with my daughter’s help we managed.

When she left home for University and then marriage, I rented her room to a local college student, 17.. I really didn’t like that setup at all!!!!!!! So I sold my house, 1984, and moved to an apt. I seldom used my crutches there. But I was still strong on them in 1998 at age 59

I spent 4 years with the N and always in the chair, then left him and 5 years now and used my crutches a few time to go to clients who wanted computer instruction. That faded off  as I got better jobs I could do at home and it suddenly dawned on me that really--yes really----- I was a disabled person and my life was different and I ought to accept it, as I pretty well had, but hadn’t recognized, BUT others had to accept it too.

That is why when my brother and sister came for 2 days in August this year, I decided that my tour route would be all accessible and they would have to do it ‘my way’.---getting better eh? They were quite happy with the tours we took and our visit in general, and beer for brother, wine for sister.

The first indication of my week knees came about May of this year. I was low on potassium. That was fixed but weakness returned and I was having a number of falls when I stood up to put the chair into the car. I planned on a doctor visit, but I was now sure that my age and my lack of using crutches was making my knees weaker. If I wanted to walk (why? At 68) I could likely have gone for physical therapy and go through it all again as rehab in 1970. I left the Dr. appointment too late anyway, ‘cause I fell at the therapist’s.

I have now decided I am in the disabled section of life and will stay that way. I don’t want any more breaks  (hip--NO NO NO), injuries of any kind, so I’ve learned, while still in a cast to put the chair in the car while sitting down on the car seat. AHA! I have it perfected now!

I will no longer live in limbo between 2 (3?) types of lives and they ARE different.

Yes! I am a paraplegic who can wiggle her ass and move her legs, tuck in her tummy, but just can’t stand up anymore and feels no pain from below the knees down. So breaking legs can be fun when there is no pain.

Why stand when I can’t carry a cup of coffee, or a laundry basket because using the chair I might find money on the sidewalk. and when I go shopping and people look at me with awe, that I can buy 4 bags of groceries, load up and go home.

Yes Izzy. This is your life and you have very slowly arrived at this sense of peace and to Hell with some people, too numerous to mention.

Signed this 7th day of November, in the year 2007

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 06:20:05 PM »

Frame It Izzy !!

Just to say with true sincerity that I am truly humbled

by your personal testimony of courage, strength, tenacity and perseverance.

Thank you very much for the privilege of reading it.

Love, Leah

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 06:30:18 PM »
WOW  Izzy. You took "lemons and made lemonade". Wow---there are so many levels of acceptance and grace in there. I look at myself and I feel that I need to address some of my shortcomings as courageously( and graciously)  as you have addressed yours.   
                                            Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 07:29:03 AM »
I never realized that you could still walk at all. Wow, you must have worked tremendously to have that control!! I can only imagine it takes great acceptance to be in your chair and know that there are those who will see you as "different" and "disabled." I guess my philosophy on life, and the one I try to impart to the kids, is that we all have "disabilities," but some can't be seen... you make the best with what you have. I wish more people could open their eyes and see that. You know, had I gone through what you did, I might have taken my life. If you think my mother hated me the way I was, I knew if I were ever different in any way, or, God forbid, pregnant, I might as well die as have to live with that shame. I remember thinking I never wanted to get old or ugly and I would rather die. Fortunately, I overcame those thoughts once I developed a real brain that wasn't clouded by her nonsense. I do know, though, Izzy, that it can be hard to deal with people who see you differently. We have one dear friend about your age and he lost his leg when he was about 28. He has a prosthesis and we travel together - he has no problems. But one year, he had back surgery and had to be in a wheelchair for the trip we took to Tokyo. They also came to Okinawa to see us. The Japanese were great about it - they took him through the subway stations the easiest way and helped as much as possible. But all in all, he was looked at differently. He was used to being fully self-sufficient - and even more so as he went almost overboard to compensate for his loss. So it was hard for him to accept people noticing and being solicitous. I can understand where you would want to be Superwoman to prove you were no different. Congratulations on accepting that you are one of us - the flawed and not quite so perfect after all :).
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2007, 11:31:31 AM »
Hear! Hear!

To hell with the people who don't support you.....

welcome the sense of serenity that arrives with big decisions.

You don't need a broken hip, brave capable Izzy.


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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2007, 01:06:03 PM »
Thank you Leah, Ami, Beth and lighter

(Leah) perseverance. I would say that word covers it all. Just persevere until I had no further improvement That was a difficult point of acceptance: that there would always be crutches and if so, always a chair.

What can one do on crutches? Well navigate steps and other inacccessuble things--turnstiles etc, until 1970s beginning of changes became law and everything was changed. Some things one cannot do with crutches. Most people's houses are full of steps.

Then the chair comes into the picture, so I was always using both.

Onward about 'ambulating': I could lock my knees that's why, and that gave me the ability to stand and put the chair into the car.

Now that's gone and I choose to remain seated. When I look back, I felt more conscious of the crutches than the chair. I keep a smile on my face and go about my business. Many people ask if I need help and I say, "No thank you. I am fine!" Others say, "I see you've done that before". I ask for help if I need it.
That's Ami's lemonade and acceptance. and Beth's story) The only thing I will not accept is someone grabbing my chair and pushing me without permission.

And lighter has the bottom line--no broken hip. I want no more falls and injuries. I've had my share. Many, many without injury.

Lastly, I realized that not one member of my family has made any comment about how I have managed for 38 years.

"I have learned to depend on the kindness of strangers".

Thank you all

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2007, 01:21:09 PM »

Much love to you, Izzy

With sincerity, you are an inspiration.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2007, 02:43:33 PM »

You are one of my favorite people  ever , and I commend your brilliance and heart.
You just keep getting better, by virtue of your guts and character.




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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2007, 05:56:07 PM »
Thank you Leah and changing,

I appreciate your comments
to repeat my comment
Lastly, I realized that not one member of my family has made any comment about how I have managed for 38 years.

"I have learned to depend on the kindness of strangers".

Today I bought twp DVDs, Murder mystery. I told the gal at checkout that that's all I watch, NEVER any Romance---yada yada--

and said that I used to read True Confessions, that my older sistrer(s) bought and hid. I would go snooping in their room and find them and I believed the stories were TRUE.

She said, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Your mother would have a time sorting you out. I said that she didn't sort me out then she said you had to do it yourself?

More and more I learn of neglect~~~~



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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2007, 07:03:14 PM »

Lastly, I realized that not one member of my family has made any comment about how I have managed for 38 years.

"I have learned to depend on the kindness of strangers".

Dear Izzy,

Reading your comment again, and upon reflection, your family's behaviour lacks basic level of human compassion.

Thought mine was somewhat lacking when I was housebound following an operation, but that was only two months! 

Mercifully, there is human kindness and compassion in strangers, who are like angels.

Saddens me to contemplate what you have been through, alone.

Much love,

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2007, 07:27:29 PM »
Thank you Leah,

Maybe our compassionate God made me disconnect from feelings so that I wouldn't go insane for having to deal with the dysfunction from a feeling point rather than a knowing point!

I believe He has always been on my side and protecting me because there were no humans who would/did.

Life is not easy and I definitely know that.

Do you hear' feelings' in my posts, or 'knowing'?

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2007, 09:00:36 PM »
Dear Izzy,
  You are "metamorphizing" from when I first came on the board a year ago. You were "stuck" in a certain mode of thinking and feeling. . I think that you are releasing the "tough stance" that you had and opening up to s/thing new.
   What exactly----I am not sure and I don't think that you might even know. However, we shall wait and see what new Izzy is birthed-huh?                    Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2007, 03:04:32 AM »

Hear your spirit loud and clear, a privilege to read about your journey. 



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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2007, 09:25:31 AM »
Thank you Leah,

Maybe our compassionate God made me disconnect from feelings so that I wouldn't go insane for having to deal with the dysfunction from a feeling point rather than a knowing point!

I believe He has always been on my side and protecting me because there were no humans who would/did.

Life is not easy and I definitely know that.

Do you hear' feelings' in my posts, or 'knowing'?

Dear Izzy,

Yes, I believe that our God is compassionate and that he would equip us as is necessary to walk through our individual 'valley'

And personally, my lifelong belief has been that he has always been with me, from childhood to present day.  That's why the 'Footprints' poem is so very special to me, as it holds a very personal meaning for my life journey.

Izzy, regarding your posts, I absolutely hear 'knowing'

Very much so, as you clearly express the attainment of having gained answers, knowledge and understanding.

Much love,

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: OK!! Me now and why-- less long but informative
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2007, 04:39:33 PM »
ami, axa and Leah

Thank you for your comments.

I have posted my story/journey in bits and bytes as I think the whole thing at once would be far too confusing!
It was/is for me, and I lived/am living it!

I don't think I have any more 'rabbits to pull from my hat'.

Love Izzy

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