My gut told me in the beginning to get out and I did not listen and I think I am annoyed at that.
Really not sure what else to say other than I feel sad. Thankfully I am not depressed
Dear (((( Axa ))))
As Changing has mentioned, we really do need to mourn and grieve our loss, the what might have beens and could have beens, the hopes and dreams we had. It's a process we go through with no time-line.
My gut told me in the beginning to get out and I did not listen and I think I am annoyed at that. Empathize, hear what you say and feel, as that was me too. What I had to do in the end, was forgive myself! Yes, forgive myself,
and mourn the loss of me during the years! That could have been so very different. Then came a peaceful serenity within.
Sadness comes at night, but then Gladness in the morning. After the mourning. Tis' so true.
Just thought I would share with you.
Love & Hugs,