It actually felt pretty good, even though I was late to work, to not worry about what my mom was interrogating M about or what he was going to say when he got home. I think he was actually relieved that he got to stay home, and he said he had a good day, even if I think it was more of a mental health day, than a real sick day.
I did join a social group for single parent families, but I just joined so I haven't met too many people or gotten to attend many activities yet. The times that are really hard are when M's sick. I can send him to daycare if there's just no school.
FP, I don't know that she's sitting at home waiting for me to call. M told me this morning he had something he needed to tell me, and so I asked him what it was, thinking he was going to tell me something about school. He said, "Before we moved, Grandma was going to take you to court." He couldn't tell me what she was taking me to court for, but it makes me very suspicious and very angry. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the sheriff doesn't serve me papers for a custody hearing soon.
Lighter, to be fair, my mother bamboozled everyone, no one really knew anything about what she was doing to my credit until things were really bad. Of course, no one really did anything to help me out once the secret was out either. They just encouraged me to sweep it under the rug.
M's off to school today, in fact, I had lunch with him at school. Very scintillating to have lunch with 3 ten year olds.