Dear Changing ,Lise and Amber,
I want to thank you for all that you have written.It is an exercise in courage.Lise,I see in your sharing of your story the beautiful miracle of 'healing'.It is so precious that we all have each other. I, for one, was so lonely for one person who could understand my M let alone a whole "roomful."
Lise,I am so happy to see your healing as it unfolds in this thread. As Changing said, we hold on to our memories with the glue of shame. When we let them out, healing flloods in --in a miraculous way.
It is funny ,but I thought that my "detaching" was a symptom of "mental illness' when all the time it WAS a sign that I was growing. When I shared that(so gingerly),I had a HUGE healing. All this time, I thought that there was s/thing wrong with me that I could get in to that "detached 'space.
THAT was a huge lesson for me to "force" myself to share.
When Izzy said that she felt bad her whole life for "snooping" ,that is another example of us thinking that a 'natural" thing is abnormal.
Lord, help me to just accept my feelings as they are. Thank you for a wonderful thread ,Lise Love to you Ami