snoopy me!
I began snooping when I was very young. My mother had a storage room in the old farm house just full of boxes and papers, I used to go in there alone and look at everything. I could read but I was 7 or under at this place. I have no idea what I was looking for, but I saw her diplomas and report cards and stuff I didn’t recognize. I not only went in there once, I did it regularly,
When we moved to the next place the overflow was in the attic. I spent so much time in there looking through everything and still have no idea why I did this. I went in there regularly too. It’s almost, like before, I might have missed something. I was always alone.
Then my paternal Grandmother became ill with cancer and sold her house etc. but some things came to the farm and into the attic. I was in my glory looking through more and more things and found a book I absolutely loved: ‘Beautiful Joe: The Autobiography of a Dog’. Much of her stuff was old. At this time she gave each of us girls (4) a wall hanging. I forget what my brother received. These were beautiful: framed and paper on the back------OMG. There might be something between the painting and the paper, so I ripped it to pieces. Nothing there.
I’ve already mentioned about having to share a room with my mother, while the other 3 girls shared a room. I always knew when something was happening and would go snooping when I had a chance. I found out about Kotex and belts and periods (some things hidden under the mattress, but the box was in the closet.) I also found True Confession Magazines and the like, and thought they were true to life stories. I sneaked them to read when I knew I could (I told this to a sales clerk the other day when I was buying murder DVDs when I said I never bought Romance…………….. She said, “ OMG Your mother must have had an awful time sorting you out.” I said, “She didn’t sort me out”. She said. “Well then you must have had an awful time sorting yourself out!!)
I wonder what I was looking for.
When Joe and I were living together, I cleaned the place every day. It was all my furniture and he brought just his personal things, one of which was a beautiful men’s jewelry box. Every time I dusted his dresser, I went through the box--that’s every day. There were a couple of old watches and some religious items, his mother’s rosary--nothing changed, but I still looked every day
The thought came to me that I might be looking for who I was?
ashamed ??????
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