Changing... you're going to make one hell of an attorney some day. Love ya....
Hops.... ::sigh::
I don't think I
yelled, not this last go around with sister but.... I definately don't
stay calm with any consistency.
I know I jumped all over her for bullying my BIL to make a destitute clown the gaurdian of their daughter, in case they both pass away. First... there's family who could raise her and second.... BIL hates the dysfunctional clown and would rather eat a bug than sign his daughter over to her. My sister's nothing if not interested in killing 2 birds with one stone, though. First, the clown wouldn't be lonely AND she'd have a roof over her head, at least as long as the child was in her care. Makes sense, right?

The little things that set me off? Marching my passport
accross the Canadian Airport and leaving it with a
stranger, I have no idea which one cause she ran off while I was dealing with CHILDREN...... then running past me and saying "it's with someone in a blue coat, I have to run cause my car is getting towed, good luck."
She delivered me to the airport
late and the security line was about an hour long..... talk about
stress. Yes, I felt bad for getting angry at her for handing my passport off then doing the obviouse thing..... running away and leaving me to figure it out with not a minute to spare much less stand in that line. I talked security into walking us through to the head of the line and the lady with my passport found ME cause I look like my sister. OMG....
who does that sort of things with a passport?!!?!?I have to ask..... why did I GIVE my passport to her in the first place? I KNOW she's going to do something like that, but she's so grab and run while shouting over her shoulder that you don't catch on she just sabotaged you right away. Takes a second to sink in.
If I say 'meet me in front of the Delta Crown Room at 3pm'.... she won't
BE there. She'll be 3 terminals down in front of the ice cream shop.... completely confused that you didn't just figure it out sooner, it seemed
obviouse to her that changing the plan and not telling anyone was reasonable.
Ummmm... NO! But I didn't get worried cause that's what you
DO! Why can't I stop letting it bother me?
On the airport thing..... she was driving back to Canada from Florida.... so WHAT does she DO with these little plants she wants? She puts them in her
little old Italian Immigrant FIL's baggage, and doesn't tell him or her husband about it.

So.... after they've lied on their papers, been found out then roughed up till the old man loses his precscription glasses..... you have to wonder
why she didn't just DRIVE THE DAMNED PLANTS ACCROSS THE BORDER herself!?!?!
And...... she insisted on putting ALL THE LUGGAGE tags on her husbands ticket one other earlier Holiday..... though he protested it was odd and he'd have trouble..... NO NO.... she wanted to travel under her
maiden name and pretend she had
NO luggage. She went through a different security line and
everything.... I bet she was wearing sunglasses.
So..... after she
clears security.... she goes to the bar to wait
2 hours for him to get through security, cause with that black beard and dark Italian skin....
he was gonna be a while. That's where she was when he was trying to point out his blonde wife, traveling under her maiden name, who left him to clear security on his own and made him put
all the luggage tags on his ticket and
wasn't anywhere to be found. Plausible story, right?
They took him to a back room and kept yelling at him....."when were you last in prison?!?!? When were you last in prison?!?!?!?" He finally asked for his passport back and said he just wanted to go home. Now.....
why... oh pray tell why.... does everything have to be so damned difficult when she's involved?
And, it
is.There's more Airport travel stories... yes, I'm on a rant but it;s absolutely necessary so bear with or go read something else.
OK..... Paris. The end of a very
hard trip. We'd been robbed in Italy, I must have eaten some dodgey wild bird organs...
sardine heads.....
something bc I ended up with a very very very messy stomach
'thing.' Only one bathroom in little Italian village homes, btw. Ahem.
So, while I'm just recovering from hours of yacking....and everything.....
I have to get stuffed into an armoir bc there's some flakey Italian Professor downstairs loudly whispering my name and my sister thinks that;s the best way to handle it....
put me in an armoir so he doesn't get me. To top it off..... she was supposed to sleep
with me in the BEEG bed, belonging to the married couple we were staying with. When they came up to check on me I was in the PINO bed, the cot that my BIL was supposed to sleep in cause of the Italian Catholic thing and OH GOD could that part of the trip get any worse?!?! How embarrassing and I had a dream where my sister was posessed and there were 3 little beds and I didn't want to look at them bc I knew she was IN one and obviously posessed.
It was terrible and I never wanted a damned hamburger, wheaties (and KETCHUP why don't they have KETCHUP?) so badly in my life. When we returned our badly beaten, broken window, popped out trunk lock, covered in homeade red wine bc the theives broke a bottle of it in the car...gack.... rental car to the agency in Nice, France..... I was never so happy to be
out of Italy.
I had time to enjoy the hot coco and buttery pastries left at my door in the morning, notice LA was on fire on CNN then make the train
back to Paris... time to go home!
The train police found me sitting on one of their oversized pillow cases (you're supposed to crawl into....) it had our heavy tiles pulled from the riviera's edge, the theives didn't want them. Hmmm... I guess I'm lucky my sister's bright idea to use that train sack didn't get me jailed. BTW... if you ever go to a train station, be careful of the little men who walk around looking like bewildered tourists... trying to figure out the lockers and peeking at other peoples combinations like they're simply checking out how to work the locker.
My BIL was pretty annoyed that I kept walking around talking about how glad I was that they didn't get my hand colored engravings, bought by the Sein... so perfectly what I'd been looking for, and FOUND! Of course, he kept telling me that the theives did indeed get them...... would I please shut up about it? They also got our coats, and it was
cold. When we get to the airport.... what does dear sister do? She sticks us with
all the stuff, which really amounted to the tiles and some carved marble moulding from Pompeii, both heavier than you can imagine.... we were mules... and strikes out on her own supposedly looking for the
right direction. She stays
so far ahead of us that she can't hear us and we can barely see her, straining to keep her in sight at all with all we're saddled with. She
had the tickets.... we could see where this was going. Then she gets
on a bus.... a very very very
crowded bus.
barely gets his load ON when we hear her say.... 'OH NO.... this is the wrong bus.' We wanted to KILL something by the time we were on the flight and she was unwilling to admit that perhaps we should have discussed which wrong direction we were going to strike off in, since
we were carrying
everything. If we talk about it today... she'll insist she "HAD TO TAKE CHARGE..... WE WERE WEAK and someone
had to lead....." Never even considering for a minute that stopping to pow wow for a moment, here and there, would have been wise.
BIL speaks 3 languages!
She speaks
wrong instinct! To top it off.... my eardrum burst the next day after an agony of ear trouble from the flight, which wasn't her fault.
Still more on airports....
She never ever shares her travel info. It's a rule with her... or... something. Probably just scattered and unwilling to stop and find it so she just gives a time and a place to meet her.
So..... I'm waiting at the train station for 2 hours..... and I don't know what airline or flight to check just to see if her plane went down or was delayed or the flight was CANCELLED! I finally just went home and waited for her call.
shows up at my door, an hour later..... says she needs 25.oo for the cab ride.... all I had was a jar of change at that time, btw..... and she doesn't even
have any change! I mean.... from one frustration to a crisis back to frustration again. Now I'm digging out 25.00 in change and she could have called me collect and had me come get her like we'd planned. I'd already sat there for 2 hours waiting on her. She never sees what the problem is I was 7 minutes from the train station.
She always has an excuse and she's always feeling persecuted and she never changes.
This has been a terribly satisfying theraputic rant. ::sigh::
One last thing..... the toilets don't always flush reliably in small Italian villages. The water can be cut off for hours and that's the reason. We're visiting another house and I have to go to the bathroom.... the beginning of the end for me with the stomach virus I think. I go in as she's finising up a tinkle. I say... 'Don't flush, just in case" and what does she do?
WHat does
Yup. She flushes, staring me straight in the eye.
and yup..... the water was off for an hour and why oh why is it so funny to her? I had to sit in that bathroom guarding that toilet for an HOUR! Not funny...... Hops... quit laughing, lol.
WHen we were in Florida once, years ago, there was this
frog on a wall. Just grippin his little body there.
He looked a bit dangerous to me so....
I say:
"don't touch the frog."She looks at me, kind'a ornery and.....
Right accross my mouth, this frog releases a stream of some putrid liquid... I know not what.
Is this Karma? I mean... how in the world does this same stuff keep
happening to US?
She couldn't plan this stuff!!
Could she?