I really enjoyed that, CB.
Lately, I've been noticing feeling present, without thinking about it. Just being present, and it's everything. It's feeling in the right place at the right time for the right reason. So comforting and everything is a smile or the verge of smiling. A sea change. An entire inner universe shifting into place.
It's not about shutting out other things. It's about being present, in the moment. Simple, but not so simple. Is it a groove we drop into? Is it something we seek or is it something we relax into and allow ourselves to float on? Thinking about it creates some worry and a shift OUT of being present, I notice.
I wonder what shifts inside us.... electromagnetically, chemically when we drop in and out of being present/alive. I don't even know if I've done research or learned anything about it. I assume things do shift and change, but being present means I don't run off chasing other things.
Anyway, thanks for sharing this.