I just need to write this down - I don't know if I'm asking for anything other than to be heard, really.
I haven't had any contact directly from my Nmum, in any form, for about ten years, and then it was 'sob story' letters, about how awful I was, and how I needed to learn how to 'fit into' the family better.
More recently, she's been getting her latest 'boyfriend' or my Nsister to do her dirty work, so I never expected to hear directly from her (we never do, though, do we?).
Then, this afternoon, I downloaded my emails, and there was one where the person sending the email was 'H and A ***' (that is, her latest boyfriend and his wife's email address), and the subject line was 'Ann'.
I was reading it before I was aware what it was really about. She was just 'informing me' that a woman I used to know had died last weekend. Two lines. And she signed herself with her first name, not some pretend endearment.
What is so strange is that the woman who has died was someone who I was friends with about 15 years ago, who I met at work, and who later developed multiple sclerosis (so she had to give up work eventually). When I got married, she was a guest, and I sat her with my extended family, as I didn't know where else to put her. So, she got to know my Nsister and NMum at my wedding (bad move!). I later found out that she'd started seeing them regularly (which I realise she was completely entitled to do), but that she was passing on the details of what I told her in our conversations, to them. When I found this out, I asked her to stop doing it, as things were by then really bad between me and my female relatives, and I didn't want them to know anything about what I was doing. But she kept doing it.
Now, I know that partly it was because she was stuck at home with MS, and looked forward to people visiting, so she tended to swap everyone's news with everyone else who visited her. But I'd asked her to not tell my family what I was doing, and she didn't stop. It got so uncomfortable, that eventually I stopped going to see her, and I felt really bad about that.
She kept in contact with my family, and then I moved away.
But that was nearly ten years ago.
To be told now that she has died, although sad, doesn't mean that much to me, and I'm surprised by my reaction today. Not only am I not very upset, I'm not scared witless by the contact from my NMum. I thought, fleetingly, 'Whatever I do now will be wrong, as far as she's concerned - either I'm wicked for not emailing back immediately to 'share' condolences, or I'd email back and say 'that's sad', and be accused of not meaning it, and that I'm wicked for ever breaking off contact with Anne in the first place.
One of the things that DID make me annoyed today was that my NMum can't even spell Anne's name right - Anne was always adamant that her name be spelt with the 'e' on the end, and my NMum didn't bother to get that bit right.
Anne was 51.