I guess what bugs me even about the passage you shared from the AA book, is that X actually was "ministering" to other "sick' people all the while I was with her, until her alter ego kicked in and she began resenting those same people.
The hardest thing for me after the abusive relationship, was to not associate certain verses in the Bible, with her voice being the thing quoting them. It was also hard to not view people how she did as well for a long time.
When I see people sometimes share things on the board, my mind wants to say "yeah, those were the EXACT SAME WORDS X used to "train" me in, how can i now accept them as something I should be doing in order to reach others. They were words used to abuse me and manipulate me, yet I'm still being told they are true.
See what I mean?
example: X told me "the way to truly know you have no aught in your heart toward someone, is to see them as VICTIMS." Well, I didn't realize it at the time, but she was wanting me to view HER that way, although she NEVER IN A ZILLION YEARS would admit that to anyone, cause as far as she was concerned, she had GOD and HE was all she needed. The truth was, I did learn to see her as wounded, sick, mentally ill, psychologically disturbed, etc...but, it didn't cause me to let go of my own hurts. I had to finally give those over to God, focus on who I am in Christ, and leave her to do whatever she purposes in her heart to do, praying that she NEVER does to another what was done to me.