Dear Leah,
Thanks for asking ,so sweetly. With trepidation,I wrote this thread.I could hear people saying,"Get over it. We already told you the answers". I think that I 'know" all the answers.
It just takes time for them to sink in.
Leah, here is an example of how I feel like I am a "bad" person. I am starting to see how my H could not "help" his behavior patterns(in a way). His F was a bad N(worse than my M)
My H "thought" that if you provided financially, you could act any way that wanted. I came from a family where I "thought" that if you had material things , then you could not be considered "abused". So, we were a perfect fit(lol)
I have compassion for him. He really did do what he thought was right.I LET him abuse me. It was NOT my fault (in the sense that I could help it at the time). However, I LET him abuse me until I got strong enough. Then,I didn't let him, anymore.then, he stopped(basically)
He really didn't "know" how to act differently and I didn't either. Maybe this does not make sense when I put it so black and white like that,but I believe it.
So, this brings me up to why I think I am "bad". He is having heart problems. He has had different procedures. Now, he is asking the doctor to do another one,but the doctor doesn't want to.However,my H keeps telling me what to do when he dies.
Anyway, here is my problem. I feel "numb" inside about it. I act nicely.but in my feelings,I don't feel like I care. I think that I really do "care" b/c we have known each other for so long,but a part of me doesn't.
That is what I mean about feeling like I am a"bad" person. Ami