Author Topic: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!  (Read 5213 times)


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No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« on: December 01, 2007, 05:33:16 PM »
~~~ in my building tomorrow. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (but can I believe that to be exact?)

I am trying to think of what to do as it will be freezing in here. Feels like colder than -2°C from a few days back.

I had planned to maybe stay in bed and read all the while but I think I will still be freezing.

Now I think of going out to lunch, before 10 am, as I need the elevator to get down to floor level, and then on to a movie (the theatre is close).....

Or I could sit in my car for 5 hours reading while I gas myself in the garage....

or since the battery remote to the garage door means I can get out, I could spend 5 hours in a mall? Perish the thought of all those pushy people!!!!

My leg is bothering me, as I was allergic? to the cream and have bumps blisters and bleeding along with swelling, but I also had a rash before, on both legs which is scarring me maybe I can go to Energency at the hospital and it's more than likely it would take 5 hours to get to the front of the line!<grin>


My legs age 20 and now--no scars back then

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 05:47:18 PM »
(((((((((( Izzy ))))))))) with sincerity

Think maybe Emergency would be a good idea, first and foremost.

Seems so unreasonable that your building has to be without electricity for 5 long hours with no alternative source of heating.

Don't know what to suggest for the best other than check with the electricity supplier for emergency provision policy and procedure.

Love, Leah

« Last Edit: December 01, 2007, 05:53:30 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 06:09:06 PM »
Thanks Leah,

Yes, just our building and electrical work has to be done! So Super says..............

How inconvenient in this cold weather.

Well, I do have a new winter parka I can wear to bed and a good murder mystery.

Boy the toilet seat will be cold!


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 10:17:49 PM »
Hi Dear-

You poor thing- what a stupid and senseless thing to have to deal with, on top of your other concerns.

Oh I am so furious- surely they know that you are wheelchair bound, those...well I won't say. Can you go to a nice hotel and have them reimburse you? Perhaps they could set up a generator for your unit (a less expensive option, unless they are rewiring the branch circuits in your unit as well)? Is there a nice church nearby? You could go there, and then to lunch. Get a contact number to call to see if everything is completed so you don't have to traipse back and forth with your dodgy leg (oh those ....I won't say!!!)

As for the leg, get it handled right away- I don't want things to progress further. Do your doctors have a service that you can call on the weekend? I would think that Caladryl might work by the looks of the rash, but don't try it unless your doctors give the OK. Maybe a colloidal oatmeal bath?

Perhaps there is a good reason for the short notice and long period of time scheduled for the electrical repair-maybe a fire hazard of some sort. Sorry that you are being upset and thrust out into the cold on a Sunday. I wish you were down here in the U.S of A., you could hang out with me and teach me how to post photos, etc, and I would make you a nice lunch! I will be praying that it works out well for you !!!




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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2007, 11:21:03 PM »
Dear changing

You are so thoughtful to be concerned and try to come up with ideas.

I'm not too happy about this either, but I realize that the best place for me to be is here.

The sidewalks for my chair could still impassable in some places, just local as I was out yesterday around the block, and had to scoot onto the street, where people hadn't shoveled their walks and some places were glare, or sopping wet, purple with sawdust thrown in and that's a mess to get on my wheels to bring home

It appears stupid and senseless..... but I expect, too, that it must be an Emergency --in this cold weather.

I see the Dr. on Monday.

As far a winter goes for me, I never know if my destination is clear of ice and snow, even if I can get out of my own place. But in this province, 2000 miles from all the toxic people, I am not living near them where the snow flies for 6 months out of the year and I was hopping snowdrifts like a bunny. Then I wanted to get out of there, I had had enough. Here Spring will be here soon. The flowers are blooming in February---the best little valley in Canada.

I'll be fine. I just complained for the sake of complaining! (????)

..................and how are things going for you,  my dear?????

Love Izzy

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2007, 04:01:09 PM »
Well... I vote you stay in and keep warm in bed.... maybe heat up a couple not water bottles to get you through?

Going to the emergency room's another good idea, if you really think you need to be seen by a doctor. 

The movie would work too.... just don't want you moving about if you're uncomfortable with the allergic reaction. 

You could also go and cozy up at a cozy coffee shop, read and drink warm beverages while you sop up their heat.

I know you'll make the best of it, whatever you do.


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2007, 05:02:51 PM »

I love the idea of hot water bottles, though they might not last al of that time. It just seems so cruel and unreasonable to subject her to the cold like this in any case, and with the snow, her options are so limited given her restricted mobility. I hate to have think of her laying in bed freezing, or braving the snow with her leg and wheelchair! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

If anyone can figure something out, it's our Izzy. Still, she has had to figure so much out of late, even with her injury and condition. This is just plain wrong, unles it is an emergency situation.




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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2007, 06:51:03 PM »
I don't want to think of Izz out there in the cold either.  I wonder what she ended up doing.


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2007, 06:54:31 PM »
Please Izzy-

When you are thawed out, please let us know how things went. We love you.



PS- GRRRRRRRRR to the Super of the building- I don't know if what he did was legal, but it was surely wrong.



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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2007, 06:59:10 PM »
Dear Izzy

I was sitting here wondering and trying to work out when your 5 hours is up

and sincerely hoping that all is well with you.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

You have been very much in my thoughts.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2007, 07:37:56 PM »
Good afternoon, guys and gals,

I am alive.

I got up at 7:45 and the hydro was off, took my pills and back to bed. Woke up again for the bathroom and then woke up for good at 1:30

Ok Now what? so I spent the time taking the bandage off my ankle foot area and dealing with the dry skin etc and just to check, used the same cream. Almost immediately my foot looked inflamed and a bit on my leg and I realize it is only on skin that was under the cast,

Then I went to the kitchen counter where I will often put an 'empty' to remind me to buy more--Uremol 20. I squeezed and sqeezed, then cut ther tube apart and found enough cream for my foot, so all is well as I'd washed off the other cream.

It is snowing like mad, so the temp goes up, after a deep freeze we had. I would have gotten nowhere outside, so my plan to stay in bed was the best and the hydro came on at 3:15. I was just putting my 2nd w'chair in place for tomorrow when I go to the hospital for my x-ray.

Oh how we depend on electricity-!!!!!

I answered two working emails and fixed something for the website but my server won't allow an upload. Has to be the snow as I cannot get out home page but entered through another door.

AND There was a "chatty hello" from daughter--------------long one that talked about everything. ------and even asked about me----------

She has her own problems and said about her son, the eldest--my 1st grandson---

"I'm very sad about the way things have gone with KC.  I feel that his rejection of me is my punishment for my rejection of you.  I called him on his birthday and we had a nice chat, but I fear that he is still so loyal to Gus that we will not in the near future be able to connect as mother and son."

So we really have led parallel lives to a point. Her message does not call for rehashing things. What she said there was just  something like telling me she build a toolshed out back.

Thank you all for your ideas and waiting to see if I froze to death or would make it back!!


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2007, 07:42:42 PM »
and tell  me

with the electricity off---where would I get HOT water for a hot water bottle?

Oh yes, I also left the heat on all night to help with early day.


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2007, 07:49:14 PM »
Hello Izzy

So glad all went as well as it could -- brill that it snowed -- which meant the temp rose a little.

What a wonderful surprise for you in receiving an e-mail from your daughter

and a most open communication by the sounds of it.

Does seem very much like parallel lives, very much so, sadly, however, her open recognition may have opened an important door for you both.

With sincerity and hope,

Love, Leah

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2007, 09:47:52 PM »
Warm hugs and great hydrating vats of awesome skin stuff, Izz.
So relieved to hear you weathered it, no pun intended.

IMO, your daughter's opening acknowledging her past rejection of you is a most definite door.
She was saying some really vulnerable things.

How will you answer?

I wonder how she'd feel if you told her, there is no time limit on being my daughter or on me loving you. I'm still yoru Mom and I forgive everything from back then. You did the best you knew how to do at the time. So did I! f either of us had everything to do over again, we both would've done different things! I'm just glad to be knowing you now, bit by bit. And one day, I hope we'll spend time together.

Sumpin' like that? (Forgive me for the fantasy letter...)
Just thinking something REALLY positive just happened. Would be great to anchor it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No electricity for 5 hours~~~~help!
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2007, 09:53:37 PM »
Wonderful Izz-

I am happy that things were warmer than expected for you today. I am especially happy that your daughter is communicating more, and seeing more of the true big picture as well. It is sad that the damage from that super-N extends to your grandson , but it can and will get better, especially as you and his mother become closer. I am really praying for all of you that you regain your cohesiveness as a family - I know that you love each other and life is so short-things are moving in the right direction! This is such great news!!!!!

Hope you are warm and cozy tonight!

