I have been thinking about this for a while. I wonder why I think it is my job to fix things. Is this because I think it is my fault or, at least, have I been tricked into believing I caused the problem and therefore it is my responsibility to fix it? Or does it satisfy some need I have to be wanted and needed, even if I get no affirmation? Or is it that I feel so superior that I think I can fix anything? Do I think I am God? Does it make me feel good to be a martyr?
Is it my responsibility to be responsible for another person's happiness? Is it a need I have to be needed? Do I need to suffer to feel needed? Is it a learned response? Why do I keep choosing people who are needy, one way or another?
Why did I keep caring when it was obvious, they didn't care or have the same needs as me? Why didn't I abandon them? Was it because I thought others would judge me? Did I not want to be seen as heartless?
Why is my commitments to my family so important? Is it because I feel I would be seen as failure if I didn't look after my family? Why do I care what others think? Is it because I want my family to have stability and I think I can provide it?
Why do I project too much of what I feel onto others? Why do I think everyone wants the same things? Am I trying to save the world? Maybe, some people just don't want to know?