Tayana: If I have the capacity to recognize my behavior patterns, I have the capacity to change them.
Yes, Tayana, you are so right. As Dr Phil says "you can't change what you don't acknowledge."
My point in even mentioning temperaments in relation to personality disorders, was to talk about people who DO HAVE/HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH personality disorders, so that we could observe that, in a healthy measure, some of the traits of pd's are actually merely temperament traits that ALL people have.
I will NEVER insinuate that personality disorders are in ALL people, because I do not believe that. I, too, have been with people who I'd consider dysfunctional and disordered, and I do know the difference. In a disorder, it invades a person's very being to a point where they BECOME their disorder. In temperaments, a person merely BEHAVES out of those habits, because it's their first inclination...
for example: I am mostly choleric, so, if someone insults me, the first thing I want to do is TAKE REVENGE, PUNISH...does that make me NARCISSISTIC? Nooooooooooooooo, not if I don't actually ACT on that inclination habitually. It just means that I tend to want to control and when someone gets out of what I think is how things should be, I want to snap them back into order.
*my eldest daughter tends to be tactless at times, imposing on my time and never thinking that it might be rude to consider that I might have other plans than to run for her at the moment. My initial inclination is to start lecturing her. I have learned that she just says "whatEVER" and hangs up the phone when i try to 'set her straight on the "mom's have lives too" idea, so I now tend to simply pray rather than lecture her. My choleric side is the one that wants to lecture though...see what I mean?"
My husband, being mostly Phlegmatic, doesn't want to pay bills on time, so our utilities get shut off more often than I'd like. However, my husband also sometimes will talk himself out of things...this, by my THERAPIST'S diagnosis (an actual psychologist at an actual clinic), means he is AVOIDANT PERSONALITY. So, though he has phlegmatic (laid back) tendencies, he has been diagnosed AVOIDANT PD.
There are differences, not only in degree but in how much a trait invades one's life. If you are not being controlled by a trait, don't worry, but if you find yourself terribly leaning toward one way of thinking, you may want to be examined for disorders, just in case...this isn't to further traumatize anyone, it's just good advice to keep people mentally/psychologically healthy and under the right kind of care.
By the way, it's not that unheard of, if someone was raised in a dysfunctional home, for them to have come out of it with anxiety, depression, borderline issues, etc...so i really do not think my post is that far amiss, and, yes, i did go to college to study some of these things for a couple years.