WOW BEAN! I'd like to examine my life with these forms of abuse. Have I been guilty of or have people of my past been guilty of doing these things to me:
Some forms of abuse I have been exposed to include patterns of:
manipulation: ladies and gentlemen, I used to be one of the most SKILLED manipulators as a child. If I didn't get what I want, I kicked screamed, broke windows, until my parents gave in to me. That's why I know when my daughters are trying to "dupe" me into something...they say "you can't con a conman" (former conman that is)
criticism (often disguised as concern): I don't disguise criticism as concern at all...I out and out's something Ive been really working hard at overcoming, as i HATE this in myself. I grew up with a mother who always found the "cloud in every silver lining" and still to this day DOES.
ex: If I talk to my mother on the phone and say "I just got this job typing transcripts" she will inevitably begin questioning me and making the job seem so dangerous that i don't want to even try it. Like this: "are you SURE you can handle those long hours?" "maybe you should take an easier position; perhaps being the doorman for a know, just till you are weren't trained in that at all. I dunno, I am not sure you can handle it. What will you do if someone is next to you that you don't get along with..." and ON IT GOES NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! A birthday? "how old is Anna now? Oh you'd better WATCH that one around the boys! I wouldn't let her do ____________ be careful of __________"
See? I grew up hearing that about ANYTHING I ever tried to do and yes, as Bean said it was always "I'm just telling you this for your own good, because I care." Now, I will out and out tell my mother "I'm just not that PARANOID MOM!" that usually simmers her down.
trivializing my feelings - I'm guilty of having done this to my girls at times, yes. Girls tend to be very dramatic and sometimes it's just gotten to me. I don't mean to trivialize, but yes I sometimes have and then apologized and realized that their feelings are real to them and valid.
disregard for my feelings - My husband has done this to me and my children. If we stay home from work/school, and are not in bed moaning, he will say "I thought you were supposed to be sick!" It is the makings for a very VERBAL fight with me.
mind games, such as when explaining my accomplishments, responding with something that my sister did - my Ndaughter does this to me a LOT...telling me she isn't going to do something to help me around the house and then when husband comes in, says "why didn't you tell me you needed help, Mom?" Thank GOD husband caught on to her games!
Judging - I'm learning to not offer unsolicited advice as much anymore
ignoring- the "silent treatment" has to be one of the CRUELEST forms of mental torture and abuse that I know of. This was done to me not only by my mother but by my former mentor. Apparently, this lady uses it with her daughter regularly too. Usually, they also will talk to everyone around EXCEPT YOU. It feels AWFUL!
exaggerating small mistakes- My entire family does this to each other. Everything has to be a huge drama! Drives me nuts!
expecting, demanding, requiring perfection - see "exaggerating small mistakes"
disagreeing in an unfair manner with my opinions - Oh, husband will say to me, "Any idiot would KNOW that!" I've learned to stop him in his tracks though by saying "I do NOT appreciate being called an IDIOT and I do not accept your label!"
arguing with me constantly about my beliefs - Roland and I used to do this but not so much anymore since I agreed to go to his church, provided I can go to one of my choice as well at another time.
constantly comparing and contrasting me with other people - I LIVED THIS! My mother compared me to my cousin my entire life. She became a teacher, so she has 'arrived" and achieved "success" and the underlying feeling has been "what will YOU do that is comparable to your cousins...oh wait, you don't have the mental ability to be like them, I forgot!)
using icy tones or looks- former mentor could chill me to the bone with her look. I called it the "I think NOT!" look. She would tilt her head down and look at me from the top of her eyelids with a cold, disapproving stare.
exposing me to a rigorous "training regime" which entails always taking care of another's feelings, concerns, problems first
placing my needs second- husband used to put his sister's needs above mine
controlling- I struggle with this one
snooping in my private affairs- step-dad has done that to me in past...digging through garbage to read private letters i've written, so he could "catch" me writing against him
telling my "secrets" - I used to be very GUILTY of doing this. I was so thrilled when I finally learned how to be discreet with what people told me in private. I'm great at this now. I have, however, had people divulge what i told THEM in private, to others.
"forgetting" things that are important to me, such as commitments- husband has done this
making me wait for needlessly- husband again
making me wait on them: sometimes my family does this to each other. When my girls were younger, I put WAY TOO MUCH responsiblity on them. The roles were sadly reversed at times, with them being mother and me, child. JUST SO SO WRONG!
hitting, slapping- yes, my mother did this to me, and I have done it to my children at times, though not recently.
yelling, screaming, bickering- too much of it at times even now from children and husband. I've learned to deal with my own anger in other ways.
asking me to keep inappropriate secrets- many times people have sworn me to secrecy about everything from "having affairs, slipping back into eating disorders, weird practices spiritually that they didnt' want people to know about, general feelings about others)
punishing me for telling people what she’s done- former mentors, husband did this
being two-faced -a favorite of the abusers in my life. This way, when I would tell people about how they treated me, they would never believe it. "oh she wouldn't do that. you must have misunderstood, honey!" (hard to be a whistleblower when others around you are wearing EARPLUGS!)
playing favorites- yep, i saw this growing up cause I was favored and then I experienced it with mentor when she favored her children by hugging them in front of me, knowing I needed comfort at that moment, but instead shunning me.
scapegoating- oh I'm a professoinal scapegoat...I've gotten so good at it, if it were a paid profession, i'd be a MILLIONAIRE...if something is missing, "LAURA TOOK IT" someone hurt "LAURA DID IT" someone angry "IT'S LAURA'S FAULT!"
slamming my friends or other people I care about- my husband drove almost ALL my friends away over the years! He still bad-mouths my online friends.
gossiping about me or people I care about- I've been guilty of being a gossip in my distant past, but I do a bit better with it now. To say I never speak about someone behind their back, would be a LIE...I think MOST people do this. It's about the heart intention of mentioning that person to another that matters, in my opinion. PLus, I don't tell anyone something about a person that i woudn't say to that person directly.
denying events occurred - I've experienced gaslighting BIG TIME with former mentors, N daughter..."no, Laura, that NEVER HAPPENED! you are remembering it wrong." (negating the time that there were WITNESSES who SAW IT!)
isolating- former mentor was an expert at this one
violating my psychic boundaries - such as using the 20 questions routine on me until she gets the info she wants-stepdad, mentors
turning me "off" when she's done with me- oh gosh, i used to tell former mentor that I felt like a vase put up on a shelf to display and only pull me down to look at me once in a while and then put me right back again! (feeling like an object)
withholding (feelings, sharing, insight, thoughts, etc)- of course. This makes them feel superior to us.
giving my property away- YES. My favorite horse toy was given to my sister and I was told "you are too big now for this...Danielle is going to have it." I HATED DANIELLE since that time, but I'm ok with her now... PARENTS DO NOT do this to your children. Let THEM decide when to outgrow toys unless they are 40 yrs old still playing with dollies or something!
indian giving (giving me a gift then taking it back) - daughters do this to me and each other...sigh, husband had a habit of fixing up vacuum cleaners, giving them to me...I'd pick my favorite and then i'd go to use it and he'd given it to the neighbor...then he'd complain I never vacuumed.
taking my money- everyone has done this to me
forcing me to work to pay for things as a child - only to teach me the value of earning things...not normal necessities though.
making me eat certain foods that made me sick- yep, parents made me sit there till I ate it allllllllllllllllll. My husband has tried to do that with my daughters many times, but i stepped in and countered his stupidity and cruelty on their behalf. It has caused MUCH FRICTION between us too, but I'd still do it! I battled bad food relations because of that stuff!
committing my time without asking me- children, in-laws have ALL done this to me. My husband has too.
expressing opinions that aren't mine for me - I HATE THIS ONE! I've SEEN people do this to their children and I wanted to jump on them and scream
discussing me in my presence as if I'm not there, or talking about me in the 3rd person- a specialty of narcissists, yes. Often, a narcissist will even refer to themselves in 3rd's really Weird!
saying - you should be happy you're not an abused child!- my mother would tell me this a lot too.
saying - I wish I never met/had/knew you!- mother again
embarrassing me for fun- step-father. When I wouldn't eat something, he had me sit between the broom closet and fridge while they all said "now for the continuing sage of "Laura starves again" and then they'd laugh at me
making me the butt of a joke- yep, many people have done this and sometimes I've done it to my children. It's fine if the other person is laughing and contributing, but not if they are feeling targeted.
denying me privacy when we went shopping for clothes or while using the bathroom- step dad at times
taunting me- step dad
ridiculing me-step dad, family now
digging into painful feelings, bringing up past hurts when I'm not even thinking about them- former mentors
always looking for negative information which can be used against me - mother at times
doing the exact opposite of what you've asked her to do - me: could you be here earlier? husband
telling other people what I think so as to mess up the relationship- former mentors
showing no remorse- family members
never apologizing- family
bragging shamelessly about me to others until I'm embarrassed or even if it embarrasses me- no, I'm histrionic so bragging about me I generally have enjoyed. (as a child, after a dance recital was over and the dancers went behind the curtain, my mom tells me that i stood out there and kept bowing)
resisting attempts at autonomy- yes, at times my mother
insisting we care for someone else's needs, such as a sibling's -my mother did this to me at times
creating drama and chaos- a lady I used to know...if there wasn't drama she created it somehow (she was used to it from her own family of origin, so it felt familiar to her)
blaming or punishing me for someone else's bad behavior- sure. I was oldest, so I should KNOW BETTER
not sticking up for me, or sticking up for me when I don't want them to - yes, friends at times
acting omnipotent - I know everthing you do- former mentor
getting mad at me if I don't act as OCD as they do- former mentor
when I complain about someone (anyone) they take the other person's side, even if they don't know them or agree- former mentor
being nearly impossible to please- former mentor, husband
always being right- husband
never admitting they are wrong- husband is getting better on this one, eldest daughter still does it.
changing the rules- former mentor
taking away privileges- former mentor, husband used to till I informed him of my ADULT status
"forgetting" promises- husband, former mentors
being condescending, sarcastic, moody or "too busy" when I need something from them- former mentors, husband
exaggerating my shortcomings- family now
having selective hearing- husband, children
laughing at my pain or embarrassment or fear- children
invalidating me - saying my memories of their abuse are "crazy," "lies" "made-up" or "nonfactual"- former mentors, husband, Ndaughter
justifying their mistreatment of me - well you deserved it- pretty much EVERYONE, except a few people