We HAVE to disagree ,Certain Hope. IF you HADN"T bullied me --WHY did Dr.G PULL " Fuzzy Wuzzy "which YOU thought was "wonderful fun"? Ami
You seem to be making things up as you go along here... why? Is it that threatening to you to consider that your interpretation just might possibly be wrong?
Now you refer to a thread which I believe has since been deleted - and in the process, you re-write history by putting....
let's see, what are you putting?
Words into my mouth?
No... more than that, you are actually putting thoughts into my mind!
You can't do that, Ami... you can't because I won't let you. My boundaries are firmly in place. Maybe that's why you hate me?
The fact is = I said nothing on that thread about having "wonderful fun" and I
thought nothing of the sort, either.
I have seen nothing fun in one speck of this entire ordeal and I've said as much on other threads.
What I am is - sick and tired of your demented lies.
My ex-husband played this warped game with me time and again, always telling me what I thought and lying about what I'd said to him - about what he'd said to me. No one will ever succeed in tormenting me that way again.
I really wish that you would be willing to see what you're doing here, but it's obvious that you don't want to look within, Ami... I guess it's too cozy to sit back and consider yourself the poor, innocent victim and blame others for your situation.
I can't stop you from carrying on your charade on this board, but I can certainly speak up boldly when you bring my name into it along with more false accusations and lies.
I am adding this latest post of yours to those which I am reporting to Dr. Grossman as another example of your continued harassment.