Hi Observer, I played the cantata. Was not perfect but very beautiful. I am proud of my self. They gave me flowers. The choir director told me I was a very good pianist. The choir did an excellent job. I know I was not following her, too difficult music to be able to take my eyes away from the musci sheet. I feel so much better. Exhausted.
Lighter, it is too much trouble. Licenses, special exits, fire department has to aprove your home, neighbors do not like cars coming to leave kids, etc. If a kid gets hurt you are in big trouble. No nono no. I do not want to get involved in that. I give piano lessons at home. Just have a couple. Not easy to get students. Many piano teachers. But I remember that few years ago a kid hurt him self in my house with a piece of wood that came out of a piece of furniture. Only because God is big and protected me, the mother was very understanding, but I could have had huge problems. Nor only that, but sometimes kids invent fantasies and unless you have a union like in public schools you are in huge trouble. They give more credibility to the kid than to an honest teacher.