What comes out under the influence is only what is already there in the heart of that person
I agree, Carolyn.
I was thinking, TT, about the first part of your question. I think when my mother wants something, that for most of my life it was like an insect in my brain. I could not make it still without leaping to calm her. Now, I more often simply tell her Yes, No, or Later ... and focus on calming myself.
I think the wiggling of the insect truly feels like a craving for a fix, to silence that noise and discomfort. I didn't always recognize it as painful, but it truly was, because her demands were endless and her nature insatiable. Nerves always on edge, concentration trashed because she could never leave me alone, incredible tension carried in my body. Living with her I began behaving like an abused cat that flows around doorways and skulks from one place to another. (Now I just walk in the door. Take care of myself. Fix her food if she needs it, bring her pills, and say goodnight. Her diminished power is a blessing, though that seems evil to say.)
Obeying her, keeping her first and foremost in my mind, was definitely like getting a fix. (Meanwhile, all the insect did was grow until it was big as a June bug.)
Like Beth says though, in sobriety from the codependent compulsions, I am not free of brainbugs. They're just my own, not from an external source. So I still have to deal with them. (Right now, I suppose I have an ant farm up there. Not all bad...)

love and thanks for letting this thread "spread", Beth...