And Dear Leah, Many thanks for all the valuable info you've shared. My mullings and ponderments are slow-motion style lately,
but it's all good. Maybe some day they'll present themselves as words, but for now all I seem to be able to manage are a few occasional ramblings.Dear ((( Carolyn ))),
You're very welcome, and not for one moment, did I expect you to engage in all the information that I posted, as I for one, and likewise, doubt if I could entertain the idea.
So very glad that you did start this thread from what I had posted "how to be an abuser" and highlighted the 'being' an "Object" -- as it was then, and would only have been then, that I was stirred to read and write the above posts, from the books that I quoted in each post.
You see, what struck me was (and yes, I too used to be "Maude the Mule" also, all my life, previously, not now) the realization of 'being' regarded as an "Object" as it spoke volumes in so many different areas of life's wonderful tapestry.
In particular, with regard to how I have recently * seen * the retired ladies and gentlemen in their retirement home being treated as "Objects" in the way in which they are being Patronized. To date, their voice has gone unnoticed, whenever they say something.
It was not until working through the subject of this thread, and the content therein, that I * saw * how they must * feel * and it
stirred me to think about it.
As such I created a thread yesterday, "Patronizing ...... people" to which dear Cats Paw kindly posted.
So as one believer to another, Romans 8:28 once again.
And also, that He is in charge! Grateful for that too!
Thanks ever so much, Carolyn, for being led to create this thread. Also, I feel sure that for any seeking (visiting - non posting) "Guest" or a "Newbie" member, who comes to this place of solace and refuge for resources, who knows, your thread, this thread, may well just provide much needed answers and moments of validation, in their own life journey.
Much love,
((( TT ))) and ((( Amber )))
PS > No need to reply to these, my ramblings, Carolyn, just thought I would share.