As I have been reading all the petty...yes, I said PETTY stuff on this board lately, I just sit here thinking, "What on earth are these people hoping to accomplish here? I don't think it's that they don't have a voice, I think it's that they want to get back actual CONTROL over their rights to speak, act, live.
I have not come from having N's as parents at all, so I can't fully relate to the idea of not having had the motherly love to the extent that some can. What I do know is that turning people psychologically into the ones who wounded you, does not solve the problem, unless your new target is your therapist who knows how to direct your defenses. The people on this board are as mixed up as you are, whomever "you" are (nobody specifically). If you are wanting them to give you what your mother didn't, it's not likely to happen, since they too never had the same thing you are lacking.
I'm getting to a place that I am considering just taking a break from here. I see arguments over the most ridiculous of things that, even if you had your own way, something new would then come up just to keep the drama going, that many are so comfortable and familiar with.
I'm not directing this to any one person, purposely, because if it fits, then you can deal with it however, but if not, you can also ignore it. I'm speaking to the board as a whole right now. It may seem like I'm saying "ha ha I'm better than you cause I'm not really part of this stuff" but it's not that. I'm not better than anyone. I am wise for not getting wrapped up in petty "right-fighting" that, when it's all said and done, what have you proven on this board? Nothing really.
Just something to think about, as I find myself more often than not saying "OH BROTHER!"
P.s. feel perfectly free to launch into an "oh brother" on me if you wish. I really don't internalize much of what happens here to be honest with you. I love ya all. I just think some things going on are pretty silly.