Thats very profound, Ami.
I think that most people feel encouraged and uplifted when they receive positive / love energy from others, and that it is not, in itself, a selfish or undesirable thing. But when a person starts to *need* that positive energy, to point where they manipulate things or focus too much energy on getting it, it usually signals that the person is struggling to find a higher purpose in their lives.
Its probably hardest of all for youth, who have not yet figured out much about life. They get so caught up image and being cool, beautiful, or accommodating, but I suppose that is natural too. Its just a passage to maturity, I guess, and most of us go through it in one form or another.
Its hard to find meaning in life, and maybe its something that comes and goes, like the tide, according to what we're experiencing and feeling. Purposeful people do not let rejection, alienation, envy, and other undesirable reactions from people dictate their actions, nor are they overly attached to approval and love type reactions either. Purpose comes from within.
X Bella