I just finished reading an almost 400 page book, in about 4 days...proud of myself and surprised I read it so fast! It is called SWITCHING TIME, and it is about a lady who was horribly abused by her "family."
I recommend this book to anyone who would not get triggered by graphic descriptions of horrid abuse.
I will not go into much detail about the book here, in case anyone might be triggered. The lady in the book was satanically abused in many ways, from the time she was a baby, on up. She split into 17 different personalities, that handled her every day tasks, including going to school and acting like nothing was wrong, taking any forms of physical pain so she didn't have to feel them, driving her places, talking to friends, dating, marrying, raising her children for her.
By the time this lady finally has her personalities integrated, she has lived about 39 years, and yet, she hasn't. It was not "her" who did the living. Imagine THAT! I'd think it would be really rough, realizing that some other "people" were the ones living your life for you.
As the personalities are integrated into her, she begins to feel pain for the first time...all the pain of the memories of abuse she endured, but eventually, the pain gives way to her feeling whole for the first time in her life.
The book is a true story that is just fascinating and disturbing and victorious all in one. The psychiatrist who worked with this lady to bring her to wholeness, sacrificed 18 years of his life, lost his marriage, yet forged one of the most unforgettable, special relationships of his life!
Read it, if you are someone who will not be triggered. If you are, I highly urge you NOT to read it.