Have any of your parents or the narcissists in your lives, been diagnosed with mpd/did?
I've been reading a book called SWITCHING TIME, about a lady named Karen Overhill, written by her own psychiatrist, after about 8 or so years of therapy. Karen was a true case of mpd, discovered when she went to the psychiatrist for help with depressive/anxiety symptoms.
At the point I'm at in the book, Karen's alters are now integrating, and, for the first time, Karen is having to feel the pain, psychologically, of the physical torture she was put there from babyhood up till years later. She is also meeting the in-person friends of her alters...people SHE actually didn't know, because her alters were the ones who befriended them. Karen is having to learn who SHE is, because she never truly was the one living her own life. Karen was shielded from the pain by all these personalities living inside her.
Karen had to contend with learning her own spiritual beliefs, sexual tendencies (one of her alters was a lesbian, because it was men who tortured Karen). Karen had to come to a place of new trust about talking to ministers and going to church, because she was tortured in a church, by priests.
It is a fascinating book, a true story, and it really gave me new compassion for dysfunctional people.
I'm just wondering if any of you here, have met an mpd person or if the N's in your life, also had this disorder? I think it would be really confusing for a person with mpd to have one of his/her personalities be the narcissistic type. I wonder if that's possible or common.
Any thoughts on this topic, appreciated.