"Honor Crimes" both brutal and barbaric, and they have been occurring in the UK, sadly, for years, the most recent, was absolutely heartbreaking, carried out by the father, brothers and uncle. "Honor Crime" is included in the UK Domestic Violence awareness mandate.
Here, the introduction of the fully supported Sharia Law Courts, is imminent.
Sharia Law
An Islamic court in Nigeria upheld a sentence of death by stoning for a woman accused of adultery. The case is the latest in a series of sentences passed under sharia law - a set of religious laws adopted in northern regions of Nigeria, which have predominantly Muslim inhabitants.
Sharia law, which derives from the teachings of the Koran and from Sunna (the practice of the prophet Mohammed), is implemented to varying degrees in different Islamic countries - from the beheadings of Saudi Arabia, to the relatively liberal social mores of Malaysia.
In Afghanistan, and elsewhere, women are being stoned to death.
In many cases, it is for the crime of 'Assumed' adultery, because she was seen talking to a male non-relative.
Rape victims, are found guilty, and convicted.
"Sharia Law governs the lives of people in ways which are not governed by the law," says Lynn Welchman, director of the Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law. "Over 50 countries are members of the Organisation of Islamic Conference, and you can expect there will be some form of compliance with sharia - either in people's personal lives or enforced through the courts by the state. A lot of states in the Middle East are taking more elements of sharia into their state laws."
Safiya H, 35, was sentenced to death by stoning in October for allegedly having a child with a married neighbour. She had the child after her divorce, but maintained the father was her former husband and that they were married when the child was conceived. The court convicted her, but Safiya won an appeal, this time alleging that she had sex out of wedlock before sharia law took effect.
Amina L put forward a similar argument during her trial, but it was rejected by the courts.
In Bauchi, Adama U, who was 19 and pregnant, was sentenced to 100 lashes for having sex with her fiance. The fiance went unpunished.
But, throughout the world, there is much DENIAL.
Hearts cry out all over the globe, for women entrapped in this system, with no escape.
Love, Leah