Well, isn't that rich?
She cheats on you,
gaslights you (to within doubting your reality......)
then accuses you of mental cruelty.
Welcome to the party..... lets go over the rules again.
You're playing by the rules, she gets to cheat, lie and break the law.
That means you're position is one of stability and consistency.
Her's will be one of inconsistency and being caught in lies.
In the end, the court doesn't care much about either of you and you'll both be punished for taking up the court's time with a divorce and property dispute.
They don't like it.
Your attorneys and the Judge will try to force you into settling, which will be the best for everyone if you can get to that point.
Please stop any and all contact with your wife. Please stop giving her any ammo.... you realize already that she'll be escalating the game and she has no qualms about lying.
Distance. Consistenency. Stability. Document. Don't worry about convincing anyone, just try to get out quick and take your lumps. Don't cut her any slack. Do you have the grand it would take to depose Mr. Cheater? Bring to bear all legal remedies and pressures you can so she'll feel more inclined to settle and get out too.
Good luck.