::raising hand:: I'm all about waiting till 30 or over to get married, myself.
My mother raised me that way and it never ever ever occurred to me to marry till I was over 30.
once. I don't even think we're
who we're
going to be till we're around 30.
that said...
there are those that
know who they are at 20 and they're very well suited to marriage and having a family.
My cousin was one of those people and I adore her and her husband..... they were truly meant to be together right out of college, so I understand both sides of this.
If Overcomer loves this young man and she thinks her daughter is ready.... she has better perspective than I do, regarding her daughter.
I will say this.... my cousin's mother?
She went to college
to find a man.
She said it outright.
She raised daughters to do that, (and they did) though it turned out that the cousin, I speak of, has the career and her husband stays home with the children.
This same child was also cooking dinner for the family when she was 7yo
Not your typical child.... she was born wise.... a very old soul.
::Moving the rest of this post to another thread: )