I haven't spoken to my MIL in over a year, Lupita.
She made it quite clear, in e mails I intercepted, that her widdle puddin didn't have to feel badly about cheating on the nasty mother of her grandchildren. She topped herself in that one by accusing me of behaving provacatively with the nasty fish gut fly covered Haitian hired help who were actually staring at my boobs, not the other way round. These men had many children by many women they never married..... they were disrespectful, lazy and incompetent. Not likely that I'd spend time behaving provocatively around them. One didn't even speak english so I usually hid when he came around bc he liked to smile really big and talk for an hour with me just smiling and nodding, unable to understand anything he said. I did understand it when his adorable wife said that she had no intention of tying her tubes after the twins were born.... their 4th and 5th children..... "God put many many babies in my belly" was her exact quote.

I assume my MIL's e mail clued H in that she wouldbe willing to lie on the stand, about my alleged behavior.
Before that, she and my FIL called me a liar when I called them for help. They proclaimed the only problem in the marriage was that I made my H work too hard and spent too much money, which is curiouse bc he never even consulted me when he bought our house. He had me feeling so guilty, I never asked for anything....., much less asked something expensive. It all represented work for me, in any case. I renovated 3 story property with a toddler and baby on my hip while he was back here cheating and pigging up our lives. Eh.... I suppose he was feeding his parents a version of me that wasn't too flattering this entire time. Can't really blame them for everything but..... Lupita.... you don't want to alienate the woman your son marries, that's for sure.
After H fessed up to the affairs.... she e mailed me that she'd love to see me last Christmas.... she was so sorry she ever doubted me, etc. No mention of his terroizing me, assualting me or threatening to leave the children and I penniless, become a deadbeat father. I just didn't have it in me to discuss it,and I sent back a very polite e mail asking her not to contact me again..... wished her a merry christmas. She wrote him that she felt I would be accusing him of cruel treatment so he'd best beware.... she didn't think I'd back down so get a lawyer to convince the judge I was insatiably greedy. They labled my e mail "scathing." No surprises there. They do egriously bad things to me..... and I;m accused of doing them wrong.... hmmmmm.
So no.... we don't really
speak at this time.
Bella..... I think she came to appreciate me but I'm quite sure she didn't love me in the beginning. I think she was upset that he sprung the marriage on her without consulting her,
but then he told her it was my idea to elope (not) and she was upset she didn't get to attend the wedding. I;m assuming that was what set her off... I could be wrong. From there on out, I couldn't do anything right. I chose too inexpensive and few wedding gifts on my wedding registry, which I didn't want in the first place. Second wedding... 37 yo, already had my own house and stuff. I didn't need anything. If I wanted to do some renovating at his lake home... I had to hear how much money that would cost... did I know how hard he worked" etc.... and that's all he ever talked about, of course I knew. I took on all other duties so he could work, ahem... that's what he called his alternative lifestyle.... 'work.' I still can't hear that word without scoffing inside.
She later did silly things like picked on the way I dressed my oldest...."your SIL always puts your niece in a nice dress" so I start doing it to then mine was in a tulle dress and her cousin was always in jeans every holiday and visit we all attended.
I never saw the my niece in anything but jeans, come to think of it, why would I let her confuse me with silly contradicting statements like that?
I wanted her to like me, is why.
Oh well...... believe them when they tell you who they are.
Don't make the first excuse.
It doesn't change anything, it just prolongs it.
If I kidded myself that she liked me..... I'd be doing myself a disservice by doubting my reality.
I'm so tired of doubting my reality, Bella.