Author Topic: Starting another thread on marrying  (Read 4377 times)


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Starting another thread on marrying
« on: December 31, 2007, 11:07:29 AM »
My MIL wanted to know why I waited so long to marry..... she used words like "old maid" and asked me if I wasn't desperate when I found her son? 

She also said that the only reason her son was marrying me was bc I was blonde.... then asked me how many months along my pregnancy was at the dinner table, with a crowd listening on. 

Considering she was pregnant with my husband when she married, the word hypocrite does come gently strolling to mind, lol. 

Oh my, this is turning into a rant.   ::sigh::

It never occurred to me to be desperate..... what occurred to me was how bad things could be if I married the wrong man :shock:

That's what I thought about. 

That's what my mother put in my head. 

"Wait wait wait".... she said.....

and so that's what was there. 

I didn't think about children, till I was almost 40, btw.

And I wasn't freaked out about it either. 

I think my MIL was afraid of being an old maid and that she chose her husband based on shame and desperation... in her day.... she'd been almost 30 when she married.  She'd given an ultimatum to her steady, who was going away to medical school, at the time. 

Apparently.... he had a controlling mother he paid attention to :shock:.  bc he resisted her and she was left shocked and humiliated without a proposal.

All her friend's ultimatums were working!

I'm not making any of this up, btw.

 She married a man who lost a bet, and had to go out with her bc neither he nor his friend wanted a date with her.

They tossed a coin to see who would get a date with her friend. 

Now..... that's sort'a surprising to me too.... didn't the women have a say in these matters, back in the day? 

She laughs about it..... but I didn't laugh when I heard the story. 

Her husband set a timetable for marriage.........

 and she was available. 

You know what? 

They dated exactly the same number of months their son dated me, got pregnant and then married in exactly the same number of months my courtship and marriage took place with their son. 

When my MIL's mother asked me how I landed her grandson..... I remember her shocked face when I responded with "I suppose not wanting to be caught myself, did the trick."

That's what was in their heads, catching a man, and that's what they thought about... becoming an old maid and shame. 

They didn't regard themselves as valuable resourses who had a say in their futures. 

My mother told me I wasn't an apple hanging on the tree...... there for a man to pick, if he so chose.  What did their mother's tell them?  Be perky!  Be shiney!  Be bright and if you can't be a bright red color..... develop a personality?

Good Lord and Little Fishes..... I don't understand. 

My father's old girlfriend's mother told her she wasn't pretty, so she'd have to develop a personality to catch a man.   :shock:

She was beautiful and pregnant (with a nice man's child) out of wedlock, puking on her finals in nursing school. 

Why would her mother put that in her head?  She didn't want to be pregnant..... she bammed down the family staircase on her fanny, trying to dislodge the invasion, as she saw it. 

And so.... my MIL was so surprised that it never occurred to me that being unmarried wasn't the worst thing that could happen to me. 

In her mind..... it was. 

::whispering:: I was very happy working and living on my own. 

Men have always been a mixed blessing.  I guess all blessings are.

One of my best friends is an unmarried nurse (almost 80now)with her doctorate in teaching.... she's amazing and doesn't regret that she never married.

 She's busier than a body should be doing research on her family history, mostly from Ireland, and she travels and put 2 minority nurses aids through nursing school in the last 5 years, taught them how to handle their finances and take control of their lives. 

Her life's rich,happy and productive.  She's taken care of her own retirement..... has no regrets.

I have another friend who's well employed, top salesman in her company 90% of the time and she's looking into a sperm bank in January.

 She's 35yo and would have regretted horribly marrying any of the men she dated.   

 Her familie's been putting pressure on her to have a family since she was supposed to marry the boy who took her virginity in high school..... drunken lout that he turned out to be :shock:

Her sister's highschool boyfriend strangled her (the sister) and left her for dead in her college dorm.  She lived, thanked God but.... we're not always meant to marry the person in our lives when we're very young.  This guy was arrested in a parking lot trying to sell his infant daughter (by some other unfortunate woman) to a stranger.  I think he was asking under $100.00 for her.

We aren't available for Mr. Good Enough For Us, if we're attached to Mr. Not Good Enough, KWIM?

There are worse things that being single.....

 I think we all know that. 



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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 04:43:26 AM »
Have you ever seen the play, "Translations"? I saw it performed by a gorgeous cast from the Dublin Theater- mindblowing, truly. The play deals with the plight of the Irish during the period when they had to meet in secret to practice Latin, etc, and keep the arts, literature and sciences of their age and region alive.
The heroine is an Irishwoman who must marry in order to keep her property and freedom- the hero is an English soldier who is an honorable man , marries her and appreciates her wonderful qualities.

There are still limitations and dangers for isolated women, but most of the negative attitudes are vestiges from the days when women were possessions, first of their fathers, and then their husbands, and often ultimately their sons ( who may have wanted control of the property)

I saw the cutest man at the post office tonight- I rushed in, asked the crowd for information I needed, he sort of waited for me to complete my business and gave me some information and I thanked him and left. I suddenly realized that soon I would be free and single again , and though it was fun to see a very darling man and speak with him ( and he seemed to like me and want to talk more as I rushed past), I wonder if I will be ready to deal with things properly when I no longer have the marital status as a shield, veil and chastity belt...For now I am happy and content with the safety my status affords, and am cozily cosseted in my solitary pursuits...


« Last Edit: January 01, 2008, 01:59:34 PM by changing »


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 09:06:32 AM »
 Well I have stories to tell regarding love and desperation.  From a girl whose self esteem has been robbed by an M mom.  I had a guy force himself on my in high school and then we line of hooked up periodically after that.  I never got over my first love until I set up a meeting with him when I was 43-I had not seen him in 12 years and I had only seen him once in ten years.  We net up and there was nothing!  All the undying love went out the door.  I was such a party girl that I took away my

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 09:09:32 AM »
own princess status.  By the time I wanted to find the perfect man nobody wanted me.  Then the desperation set in and I married my ex who was a whore.  That is why I think it 's good that my D found her man.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

finding peace

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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2008, 10:06:57 AM »
Hi Lighter,

I too am in the 30 something and over before you get married club.  But that is just me.  I was a far different person at 30 than I was at 20.  Then again, I am a different person at 40 something than I was at 30. 

However, like you, I understand that some are born as old souls, get married early in their lives, and have a wonderful relationship that lasts the rest of their lives.
Personally, I think it is important that people live on their own and support themselves prior to going into a marriage – if only for the knowledge that they can support themselves if something goes wrong in the marriage (I say this based on my mother who claimed that she stayed with my father because she didn’t know that she could support herself and was scared to be on her own – of course this is my mother so have to take anything she says with a grain of salt.)

Actually, I think the whole marriage thing is a bit over-rated.  I don't feel I need a legal piece of paper dictated by societal norms to tell me I am committed to someone for the rest of my life.  If it weren’t for the tax break, I think my H and I would be happily living together without that legal bit of paper that states we are married. 

Seems to me that the down-payment on a house cost of a wedding is ludicrous – the princess for a day, in the long virginal white 3000.00 gown that you wear once, the 300.00 a head meals of chicken or fish, the father walking the bride down the aisle to give her away (eww - as though he is transferring ownership to the new man….)

Oops – getting on a rant here….

Good to hear from you Lighter!  Happy New Year.
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2008, 11:55:46 AM »
Overcomer..... I see how you've come to feel as you do..... for your daughter. 

You want her to do things differently and be safe... loved.... have choices.

The thing is.... even if she doesn't do them the way she seems to be heading....

she'll still be doing them differently than you did.... no fears there it would seem.

I partied and banged around the world hard in my twenties too..... that doesn't seem to be where your dear daughter is heading though.

I like Finding Peace's idea of going out into the world and carving your own niche. 

Supporting yourself and being capable so you know how strong you are, before committing to a man. 

The buddy with the good job and sperm bank appointment?

She was raised by an addicted mother and cheating absent father.... they fought when he was home and then the mother would say "You have to be able to support yourself girls.... you have to." 

You know what?  She's pretty much lived her life by those words he mother put in her head.

She can support herself.... but she can't find a worthy man.  She has a bad picker.  I think she realizes that by now.  She sure can't find a decent man who has her earning power.  It's very hard and she doesn't seem to be interested in the nice men. 

It's so hard to get everything right, isn't it?

From here.... I see your daughter in a very comfortable situation with her friend, both working very hard to get ahead and earn their way.  I'm sure she'll use her education and grow as an individual. 

 Tell her to wait for children, if she can.... and navigate the world as an adult... travel now bc it won't be possible when children come and nurture her marriage so it's strong when/if children do come along.  You can tell her that's my advice. 

I don't mean to sound like a mean cinic here but...... nothing like a first marriage to teach you some of the biggest lessons in life if it doesn't work out.  Nothing lost as long as there aren't any children in the middle of it, KWIM?

::hoping your daughter has what my cousin  has::  Two lovely people suited to each other, laughing through their lives, committed to each other and their family.  Always laughing and findingway.  So nice: )

Finding peace.... your post resonated with me.... it truly did.  I'm a firm believer in getting out there in the world, stretching our legs and broadening our horizons before making huge decisions about what we'll be doing for the rest of our lives.  How can we do that if we don't know how to care for ourselves.... if we don't know what our options are?


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2008, 01:00:38 PM »
Marriage isn't an urgent thing in my mind anymore, but a gentle wish that comes and goes....



I miss having someone to touch. Not just passionately, but affectionately.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2008, 02:36:29 PM »
I understand, Hops.

I will say this about being single.....

when it rains....

it pours.

I think getting happy and situated with ourselves is very attractive to others.

Usually... to those who want to take us apart and change us. 

That calls into mention....  BOUNDARIES.

Just bc someone enters into our lives doesn't give them power over us. 

If we're coming from a place of urgency.... WE give them power.

If we're coming from a place of peace and want... instead of need.... we have a better shot at keeping boundaries in tact.

I must say.... it's so difficult to remain diligent and not let them slip.

I never mastered it.  ::shaking head::


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2008, 02:45:14 PM »
In my situation,
living with a 97 y/o and having to tend to her needs every night and weekend...

doesn't seem to be a whole lot of room for new people to enter my life.

What with working FT and being doggone tired a lot, haven't summed up
the energy to go out and about.

But...I need to get off the board and deal with stuff. Still in my PJs.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2008, 03:23:09 PM »
You're right... and you have the church activities and groups too.

WHat I meant by...."when it rains it pours...."

Is that out of dry patch can come unexpected several options, all at once.

I attribute this to the way we carry ourselves and how people perceive us.

People are attracted to people who have hope, discipline and something (doesn't generally matter what) going on.

You're still in the world making connections, even at the bookstore and coffee shop, church and standing in line at the grocery store.


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2008, 09:29:56 PM »
Believe me I know it.  If I could do it I would be ok being alone again.  My H is an ok man but he is still helpless and I feel I settled.  I am a magnet for men with addictions.  Men who get overwhelmed by life in general.  I hate being "in charge" of everything.  Just once I want someone who will take care of me.

But I think some people can get married at a young age and grow old together.  Less time to accumulate baggage to bring into the marriage....

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2008, 06:36:07 AM »
Have to confess that the very thought of ever marrying again fills me with dread!

You see, I married young to my first and only boyfriend, who was in a rush for me to become his property (I realized this during my awakening and enlightenment period 4 years ago)

So, I have no idea of what men are really like, as in reality, I only have my NDad and my exNH as examples!

Was just sitting here thinking of Hops' posting with the comment of want to be with someone and just touch them with affectionate closeness, and I reflected on how, all through my married life, that's all I ever wanted, but, it was not ever allowed.

My exNH never liked to be touched, ever.  So, I always thought that all men were like that.

So, I have never even affectionately touched a man!

I feel like the odd one out?!

Thought provoking indeed.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2008, 07:59:55 AM »
Aww, ((((((((Leah)))))))))

I hope when you're ready,
there will be a man you can trust
with your tender touch.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2008, 09:12:37 AM »
I do not believe in marriage. 17 years alone. I wish I had somebody but i do not know if i would put up with the consequences, and sacrifices. The remote control TV, I cant share that. nobody can watch TV with me. What if one is closing windows and th other opnes windows, it happen with my grand mother and grand father. He did not want anybody to see inside their house and my GM said that she wanted fresh air and sun entering the house. Also, the dating "monster" how can I be comfrtable if I have to be f**king Jay Leno to entertain so he has a good time, and that stupid thing of "be your self" is just that, a stupid thing.
Anyway, I am for marriage once in a life time and if that did not work you have less probablities that the second will work so after one you (public in general) should stay single and just have somebody for companionship living apart.


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Re: Starting another thread on marrying
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2008, 12:26:16 PM »

Never again.  Once was enough for me.  I got married at 23 because for the first time in my life I met someone who was nice to me......... our marriage is over about 13 years now but we are still friendly.  I was so scared that I would be "left on the self" and knew my family would approve of him.........I did think I would live happily ever after, very naive not aware that I had married a "child".  I cannot imagine ever making a decision to marry anyone ever again and have no desire to do so.  I am still in the throes of being so relieved to be away from Xn that another man seems too scary right now.  My sister asked me today if I would like to be in a relationship and I have been thinking about it and the answer right now is no.  I am happy in myself, like my life, I too miss physical contact but am willing to forego that for peace of mind.  I am sure there are men out there who are not abusive but I don't know if I am clear enough to be in a relationship.  I am afraid of losing myself again and guess I do not trust myself enough.  I am a little envious and admire people who have managed to stay married and be content in the relationship
