lighter, I forget...are you married ? how is yours going?
I'll continue to post about ND as long as I need to and I will also keep confronting NH as well, since he does have some lucid moments when he actually hears me and considers what I say to him.
And you started with
unless he stops letting ND be the wife/mother in this home, I AM leaving.
I can't tell if who's doing what or why they're doing it, to tell ya the truth.
Every time you make a statement about your husband letting your daughter be the wife/mother figure in the home.... it really makes me stop and think about what you wrote, I'll tell you that.
If he's really having lucid moments..... he wouldn't be allowing/enabling/encouraging this, between himself and his child.
And then there's the problems it causes in the family and marriage. It's not enough that this type of behavior is dysfunctional for his
grown daughter...... the other problems aren't enough to inspire change either?
And you keep referring to your daughter as an N, which is curiouse to me.... as though these family problems are somehow her fault..... you don't think she's the cause, do you?
By the way.... you can discuss ND till the cows come home, if you think that'll help your family.
I would like to point out..... setting consequences,then failing to follow,through isn't the strongest position to occupy. With children or adults. Just my opinion.