Author Topic: Acceptance?  (Read 3966 times)


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« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2004, 12:17:40 AM »
Jaded, Bunnie, Mighty Mouse, Les, Singer, Lynn,
Hugs to all of you!  :lol:  

I finally got it! I've been doing lots of reading - right now I am finishing The Narcissistic Family by Pressman and Pressman.

Bunny, you kept saying I needed to learn to set boundaries and to tell you the truth, all I could think was, boundaries - I don't need no stupid boundaries, I need someone to listen!   :oops:

But.....I reached the chapter on boundaries and this is what I learned today:
1. I am not responsible for things I cannot control.
2. I am learning to say "Not right now, but thanks for asking" or "I don't want to" or "No"
3. My N parents and siblings have always had boundaries set, but have never allowed me to have boundaries. But it is not their responsibility to recognize that - it is my responsibility to set the boundaries and enforce them - wow! I love that word enforce! It means power and I am going to regain the power of control over my life!
4. My H and kids have never recognized boundaries for me - I never set them, but complain when they breach the imaginary ones I thought I had. Since H travels so much, I always made myself available at all times to the kids. I didn't even close the bathroom door all the way, or shut the shower door, so I could hear them if there was a problem. Rather than force them to leave me alone when I was on the phone I just got off, it was easier, and now no one respects me when I am on the phone. I was always available just to keep the peace, but when it got too much to handle, I just started crying that I never had time for myself. I was afraid of shaking up the balance in my own family, fearing they would not like me anymore. But they will like me even less when I become a witch like my N mom! Just yesterday, after spending 5 hours with all 3 kids by myself driving them to sports, when we got home, I needed space to think alone. But my 9 year old followed me outside when I went to smoke. He sat right down beside me and wanted to talk more. I had to force him inside. They all follow me around the house like they are afraid I will dissappear. They need to learn to cut the apron strings, and we're going to do it hopefully a healthy way.

Now when they stay by my side, or interrupt, I will gently hug them tightly, tell them I love them, then tell them to scoot to another room, I need some ME time. I know it's ok to be selfish, but I want to be gentle as I start setting boundaries. I do not want them to think they are no longer important, but that I am teaching them a new skill as I learn one.

I also talked to H, had him read a few pertinent chapters and told him I would also set boundaries with him. He just said he had been trying to tell me this all along, but I didn't realize what he was saying. I needed to read it in black and white and see the object lessons written in the book.

Thanks guys - you pushed me in the right direction and I have hope again! 8)


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« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2004, 12:37:25 PM »
Hi Ellie & all,

I remember the days when my kids were little.  It seems all consuming.  I am a private person, so when I was in the bathroom I put my foot next to the door to keep it shut, but felt guilty for doing so!  :?

Ellie, when I read your posts I recognized myself immediately.  I would feel responsible for others' feelings and happiness.  I had to learn that unhappiness can be a tool to teach others how to behave, that is, a little child is going to throw a fit when I set a boundary for their own safety.  When it was a safety issue, the choices and priorities were nice and clear.  It's those tricky preferences and opinions that get sticky.  Who gets to "win"?  

Anyway, I really needed a break from time to time and the analogy that came to mind while reading your posts was you have to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you can help anyone else.  Just wanted to add that to what has already been expressed.  

I couldn't tell but I hope your H is willing to facilitate for you what he has been able to enjoy: time away from family responsibilities!  My H says all the right things, and I actually do get away and/or pursue my own interests, but then he feels alone and abandoned.  But I know this feeling isn't my "fault" and this is something that he is working on for himself.  

I do want to pursue more social activities outside the home, nothing big, just coffee once in a while etc.  But then I don't "get things done".  I don't think he is aware of the contradiction of wanting me to grow in this direction and feeling a "take away" from him.  He is really sincere in wanting this for me, but is also afraid I will grow "away" from him.  I told him, no, just the opposite.  If I DON"T have these opportunities I will feel smothered and then I will HAVE to leave just to breathe!  If you really support me, give me some wiggle room so I won't feel the need to leave to get it!  It helps to show your family (and yourself) just how much time you give to them v. the amount of time you are taking for yourself.  When they see the bulk of time is still on their side of the scale, they relax a little.  

Anyway, I cheer you on as I learn about the boundary thing myself.  Good luck!!!  Seeker


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« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2004, 01:06:33 PM »


I'm really proud of you, you're going to be much happier now that you've discovered boundaries.




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« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2004, 01:48:42 PM »
How great Ellie! It definitely sounds like you've got it! Everything shifts a bit into the "healthy zone" of living.

Just getting it myself and learning everyday as I shift gears.